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Ingeniux.CMS.Event Namespace

Public classAdvancePublishStepEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the advancement from one major step to anther, during execution of a Publishing Task.
Public classAssetCreationEventArgs
Event arguments that capture information on creation of an asset
Public classAssetDeleteEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the information on deletion of an Asset or Asset Folder.
Public classAssetMarkForPublishEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the "Mark/unmark for publish" action of a Asset or Asset Folder.
Public classAssetPostCopyEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the state of post "Copy" action of a Asset or Asset Folder.
Public classAssetPublishInfo
Information of a single Asset to be published
Public classAssetRecursiveEventArgs
Event arguments that capture a resurive action on a Asset or a Asset Folder.
Public classAssetRegionRootCopyEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the state of post "Lingual Copy" of a Asset or Asset Folder.
Public classAssetRelocateEventArgs
Event arguments that capture "Moving" of a Asset Item or Items.
Public classAssetRenameEventArgs
Event arguments that capture "Rename" action of a Asset or Asset Folder.
Public classAssetWorkflowAdvanceEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the advancement of a Asset in Workflow.
Public classBeginPublishEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the beginning of execution of a Publishing Task.
Public classCategorizationEventArgsT
Event arguments that capture "Categorization" action of a Content Item.
Public classCategoryRenameEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the information of "Rename" action of a Category Node.
Public classCloneVersionMapFinalizationEventArgs
Arguments for LingualPageVersionMap's OnFinalize event. Signals that a lingual page version map has been finalized, which means translation for the master Page's corresponding version has been translated and has a corresponding clone version in the target language.
Public classContentItemDeleteEventArgsT
Event arguments that capture information on deletion of a Content Item.
Public classEntityEventArgsT
Arguments that capture the events details for activities on a Entity. It is the bases class of all Event Arguments object on Entity activities.
Public classObjectEventArgsT
Arguments that capture the events details for activities on any type of object.
Public classPageDeleteEventArgs
Event arguments that capture information on deletion of a Page.
Public classPageMarkForPublishEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the "Mark/unmark for publish" action of a Page.
Public classPagePostCopyEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the state of post "Copy" action of a Page.
Public classPagePublishInfo
Information of a single Page to be published
Public classPageRecursiveEventArgs
Event arguments that capture a resurive action on a Page.
Public classPageRelocateEventArgs
Event arguments that capture "Moving" of a Page or Pages.
Public classPageRenameEventArgs
Event arguments that capture "Rename" action of a Page.
Public classPostPublishEventArgs
Event arguments that capture that result of "Publishing" action.
Public classPublishEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the information of a "Publishing" action.
Public classPublishingErrorEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the error state of a Publishing Task.
Public classPublishingTargetWithMarkedVersion
Information on Publishing Target and marked version of a Content Item.
Public classPublishingTaskEventArgs
Event arguments that capture creation of a Publishing Task.
Public classRegionRootCopyEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the state of post "Lingual Copy" of a Page.
Public classReplicationItemEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the information of a single file that was replicated.
Public classTaxonomyRelocateEventArgs
Public classUpdatePublishStepEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the progression within a major step with items count, during execution of a Publishing Task.
Public classWorkflowAdvanceEventArgs
Event arguments that capture the advancement of a Page in Workflow.