IPage Methods |
The IPage type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddCategories |
Adds Categories association to this Page. Which also means, categorized this page
with given categories.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AddElement |
Adds one or multiple elements to the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementAfter |
Adds one or more elements to the Elements collection after the specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementBefore |
Adds one or more elements to the Elements collection before a specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementFirst |
Adds one or more elements to the front of the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElements |
Adds a group of elements to the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementsAfter |
Adds a group of elements to the Elements collection after the specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementsBefore |
Adds a group of elements to Elements collection before a specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementsFirst |
Adds a group of elements to the front of the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddToWorkflow |
Adds this page to workflow. This operation creates a new workflow instance for this page based on the Workflow Definition provided
and assigns the page to the specified User.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AddToWorkflowDefault |
Adds this page to a workflow.
If the initial Transition has a Default User specified, the page will be assigned to that user.
Otherwise, it will be assigned to the Next Group specified by the transition.
This operation creates a new workflow instance for this page based on the Workflow Definition provided.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AllElements |
Retrieves the collection of descendant Elements on which the filter callback method returns true.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AllowUser |
Checks whether the given user was granted the specified access level.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Ancestors |
Retrieves all of this page's ancestor pages. The results are returned in ascending order based on the pages' hierarchy level.
| |
AncestorsCount |
Returns the count of ancestors for this content item.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
AncestorsIDs |
Retrieves the metadata of all this page's ancestor pages. The results are returned in ascending order based on the pages' hierarchy level.
| |
AssignGroup |
Assigns this page to a specific User Group.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssignUser |
Assigns this page to a specific User.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssociatedCategories |
Retrieves the collection of Categories associated with this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssociatedCategoriesCount |
Gets the count of the Categories that are associated with this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssociatedCategoryIds | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckedInPage |
Retrieves the checked-in content of this page.
If the page is checked out, there could be potential differences between the content of the page and result of this method.
| |
CheckedInVersion |
Retrieves the checked in version of the item.
Mainly used for retrieving checked in version on a checked out item
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
CheckIn |
Checks in either the page itself or the page and its descendants.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInOnProfile |
Checks in either the page itself or the page and its descendants toward the Publishing Targets included in the Publishing Profile.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingle(IEnumerableString, String) | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingle(IEnumerableIPublishingTarget, String) | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingleWithNoValidate |
Checks in the page itself without applying validations before check-in.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingleWithNoValidateOnProfile |
Checks in the page itself, without applying validations before check-in, toward the Publishing Targets included in the Publishing Profile.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckOut |
Checks out the page and assigns it to the current user.
A page can only be edited after it is checked out to the current user.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Children |
Retrieves this page's child pages.
| |
ChildrenCount |
Returns the count of child pages of this page.
| |
ClaimPageForCurrentUser |
Assigns the Page to the current operating User.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ClearElements |
Removes all Elements from the collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
ClearRules |
Removes all Page Creation Rules from this page. This action permanently removes the PCR descriptor for this page.
| |
ClearSecurity |
Clears all access to this page. Note that if no further security setting procedures are taken, no one except administrators will have access to this page .
This action permenantly removes the security descriptor for this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CloneLingualMaps |
Retrieves the lingual maps between this page and its clone pages.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CloneLingualMapsCount |
Returns the count of all clone lingual maps.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ContentUnitsInstantiability |
Gets the collection of information on whether a Content Unit can be instantiated, and how many times it can be instantiated.
| |
CreateChildPage |
Creates a new child page under the current page.
| |
DecorateElement |
Manually apply Session, Manager, and Owner information on
an Element field on this version object
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
DescendantIDsWithMaxDepth |
Retrieves metadata of the descendants of this page within the given depth limit.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
DescendantIDsWithMaxDepthForPreview |
Retrieves the collection of descendants hierarchy information,
under the limitations of maximum descendants depth, and maximum
descendants count.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Descendants |
Retrieves the descendants of this page. The results are returned in descending order based on the pages' hierarchy level.
| |
DescendantsCount |
Returns the count of all descendants of this page.
| |
DescendantsIDs |
Retrieves metadata of the descendants of this page. The results are returned in ascending order based on the pages' hierarchy level.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
DescendantsWithMaxDepth |
Retrieves the descendants of this page within the given depth limit.
| |
Retrieves the XML serialization of this page version. This is the same as the Serialize method.
(Inherited from IPageVersion.) | |
Element |
Retrieves an Element by its name.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
ElementById |
Retrieves an Element by its unique ID.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
Elements |
Retrieves the direct child Elements of this version.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
Elements(String) |
Retrieves the direct child Elements of this version with names that match the specified name. Case-sensitive.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
ElementsCount |
Gets the count of all direct child Elements.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
GetSystemAttribute |
Retrieves a system attribute by its enum value. System attributes are attributes on a page document that contain the page's metadata.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
IsDescendantOf |
Checks whether this page is a descendant of another given page.
| |
IsValidRuleTarget |
Checks whether, with the given Page Creation Rule, pages can be created as children of this page.
| |
MarkedForPublish |
Finds out whether the page is marked for publish on any Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedForPublishOnTarget(String) |
Finds out whether the page is marked for publish on a specific Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedForPublishOnTarget(IPublishingTarget) |
Finds out whether the page is marked for publish on a specific Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedForPublishPropagated |
Finds out whether the page is marked on all Publishing Targets, and the marked versions are the targets are the latest version of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersion(String) |
Retrieves the marked version object on a specific Publishing Target.
Can be null if not marked on that Publishing Target
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersion(IPublishingTarget) |
Retrieves the marked version object on a specific Publishing Target.
Can be null if not marked on that Publishing Target
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersionNumber(String) |
Retrieves the marking version number on a specific Publishing Target.
If item is not marked on that target, returns -1
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersionNumber(IPublishingTarget) |
Retrieves the marking version number on a specific Publishing Target.
If item is not marked on that target, returns -1
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkForPublish |
Marks this version for publish on the specified Publishing Target (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
NewFirstChildPosition |
Retrieves position for the next child object to be created at the beginning
under this object
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
NextChildPosition |
Retrieves position reversed for the next child object to be created
under this object
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
NextSibling |
Retrieves the sibling Page succeeds the given page on the content tree.
| |
PageCreationRules |
Retrieves the collection of page creation rules that can be used to create pages under this page. The collection also includes the information on whether the PCR covers descendants.
| |
PageCreationRulesCount |
Retrieves the count of the collection of Page Creation Rules that can be used to create pages under this page.
| |
Parent |
Retrieves the parent page of the given page.
| |
Path |
Retrieves the string path of the page names, starting from the content store root node. Delimited by "/".
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
PresentationElement |
Retrieves an Element that was added by its Presentation Content Unit by its unique ID.
This method will not return elements that are outside of the presentation fields group.
(Inherited from IPageVersion.) | |
PresentationElements |
Retrieves the direct child Elements of this page version that were added by its Presentation Content Unit,
(Inherited from IPageVersion.) | |
PreviousSibling |
Retrieves the sibling page that precedes the given page on the content tree.
| |
QuickEditableFields |
Retrieves the collection of fields, that represents the version object
and contains the summary of the version
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
RegionRoot |
Retrieves the Locale (language) root of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
RemoveCategory |
Removes the association between this page and the specified Category.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
RemoveChildPage |
Removes a child Page of this page.
| |
RemoveChildren |
Removes all children of this page. If the page is not in the Recycle Folder, the child pages will be moved there.
Otherwise, they are permenantly deleted.
| |
RemoveElement |
Removes an Element from the descendants collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
RemoveFromWorkflow |
Removes the page from its Current Workflow.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
RemovePageCreationRule |
Removes a Page Creation Rule (PCR) from this page.
| |
RemoveSecurityGroup |
Removes the access rights of a given user group to this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Republish |
Publishes the page, with or without its descendants, to the specified Publishing Target.
| |
RevertToVersion |
Reverts the page's content to that of a given Version.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
Rollback |
Reverts a page's content to that of its latest previous Version.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Save |
Saves this page's XML content. This method must be called to update a page's XML content.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityGroups |
Retrieves the collection of User Groups that have the given access level on this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityGroupsCount |
Retrieves the count of User Groups that have a security setting—either explicit or inherited from parent pages—on this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityLevel |
Retrieves the access level of specific User. The access level is the highest access level of all the
Groups to which this user belongs.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SendGroupNotificationMail | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SendWorkFlowNotificationMail |
Sends a workflow notification email to the given recipients.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SerializeCheckedInVersion |
Returns the XML element that was serialized from the checked-in version of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SetPageCreationRule |
Sets a page creation rule (PCR) descriptor on this page.
When executed successfully, this action sets RulesInherited to false.
If this page never had a PCR descriptor before, it will be created automatically. Otherwise, it will resume on the existing descriptor.
| |
SetSecurityGroup |
Sets the access level to this page for a specific User Group.
Successful execution of this method causes the SecurityInherited property to be set to false.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SetSystemAttribute(EnumSystemAttributes, IAttribute) |
Sets value for a system attribute.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SetSystemAttribute(EnumSystemAttributes, String) |
Sets string value for a system attribute.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SiblingIDs |
Retrieves sibling page info of this page on the content tree.
| |
Siblings |
Retrieves sibling pages of this page on the content tree.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
Touch |
Updated the entity's LastModified value to the current time.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
Unassign | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
UndoCheckOut |
Discards the changes in checked-out content and reverts the page to a checked-in state.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ValidateData |
Validates this entity's data. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
ValidateUserPermission |
Validates the user permission on the current entity. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
It is called automatically upon saving an entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
Version |
Retrieves a Version of this page by version number.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
VersionId |
Retrieves the page version entity ID for the version number, including current if it is so.
| |
Versions |
Retrieves the version history of this page. The items are returned by version number in descending order.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
VersionsCount |
Gets the count of all previous versions of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) |