IAssetFolder Methods |
The IAssetFolder type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddCategories |
Adds Categories association to this Page. Which also means, categorized this page
with given categories.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AddElement |
Adds one or multiple elements to the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementAfter |
Adds one or more elements to the Elements collection after the specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementBefore |
Adds one or more elements to the Elements collection before a specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementFirst |
Adds one or more elements to the front of the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElements |
Adds a group of elements to the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementsAfter |
Adds a group of elements to the Elements collection after the specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementsBefore |
Adds a group of elements to Elements collection before a specified anchor element.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddElementsFirst |
Adds a group of elements to the front of the Elements collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AddToWorkflow |
Adds this page to workflow. This operation creates a new workflow instance for this page based on the Workflow Definition provided
and assigns the page to the specified User.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AddToWorkflowDefault |
Adds this page to a workflow.
If the initial Transition has a Default User specified, the page will be assigned to that user.
Otherwise, it will be assigned to the Next Group specified by the transition.
This operation creates a new workflow instance for this page based on the Workflow Definition provided.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AllElements |
Retrieves the collection of descendant Elements on which the filter callback method returns true.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
AllowFileType |
Finds out whether the specific file name is allowed for this Asset type
(Inherited from IFileTypeLimitation.) | |
AllowUser |
Checks whether the given user was granted the specified access level.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AncestorFolders |
Retrieves a collection of Asset Folders that make up the ancestors of the context asset item.
(Inherited from IAssetItem.) | |
AncestorFoldersCount |
Gets the count of ancestor asset folders of the context asset item.
(Inherited from IAssetItem.) | |
AncestorsCount |
Returns the count of ancestors for this content item.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
Asset |
Retrieves a single asset from an asset folder in the Assets Tree within a particular Site.
| |
Assets |
Retrieves a collection of the assets inside of the folder.
| |
AssignGroup |
Assigns this page to a specific User Group.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssignUser |
Assigns this page to a specific User.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssociatedCategories |
Retrieves the collection of Categories associated with this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssociatedCategoriesCount |
Gets the count of the Categories that are associated with this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
AssociatedCategoryIds | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckedInVersion |
Retrieves the checked in version of the item.
Mainly used for retrieving checked in version on a checked out item
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
CheckIn |
Checks in either the page itself or the page and its descendants.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInOnProfile |
Checks in either the page itself or the page and its descendants toward the Publishing Targets included in the Publishing Profile.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingle(IEnumerableString, String) | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingle(IEnumerableIPublishingTarget, String) | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingleWithNoValidate |
Checks in the page itself without applying validations before check-in.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckInSingleWithNoValidateOnProfile |
Checks in the page itself, without applying validations before check-in, toward the Publishing Targets included in the Publishing Profile.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CheckOut |
Checks out the page and assigns it to the current user.
A page can only be edited after it is checked out to the current user.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ClaimPageForCurrentUser |
Assigns the Page to the current operating User.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ClearElements |
Removes all Elements from the collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
ClearSecurity |
Clears all access to this page. Note that if no further security setting procedures are taken, no one except administrators will have access to this page .
This action permenantly removes the security descriptor for this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CloneLingualMaps |
Retrieves the lingual maps between this page and its clone pages.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CloneLingualMapsCount |
Returns the count of all clone lingual maps.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
CreateChildAsset |
Creates a new child asset under the context asset folder.
| |
CreateChildFolder |
Creates a new child asset folder under the context asset folder.
| |
DecorateElement |
Manually apply Session, Manager, and Owner information on
an Element field on this version object
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
DescendantAssetCount |
Gets the count of all descendant Assets | |
DescendantAssetFolderCount |
Gets the count of all descendant Folders
| |
DescendantAssetItemCount |
Gets the count of all descendant Assets
and Asset Folders
| |
DescendantAssets |
Retrieves the descendants] assets of the context asset folder.
| |
DescendantAssetsWithMaxDepth |
Retrieves the descendant assets of the context asset folder within the given depth limit.
| |
DescendantFolders |
Retrieves the descendant asset folders of the context asset folder.
| |
DescendantIDsWithMaxDepth |
Retrieves metadata of the descendants of this page within the given depth limit.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
DescendantIDsWithMaxDepthForPreview |
Retrieves the collection of descendants hierarchy information,
under the limitations of maximum descendants depth, and maximum
descendants count.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
DescendantsCount |
Calculates the count of this items descendant items
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
DescendantsIDs |
Retrieves metadata of the descendants of this page. The results are returned in ascending order based on the pages' hierarchy level.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Element |
Retrieves an Element by its name.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
ElementById |
Retrieves an Element by its unique ID.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
Elements |
Retrieves the direct child Elements of this version.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
Elements(String) |
Retrieves the direct child Elements of this version with names that match the specified name. Case-sensitive.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
ElementsCount |
Gets the count of all direct child Elements.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
Folders |
Retrieves a collection of the asset folders inside of the folder.
| |
FoldersCount |
Retrieves a collection of the asset folders within a context asset folder in the Assets Tree within a particular Site.
| |
GetSystemAttribute |
Retrieves a system attribute by its enum value. System attributes are attributes on a page document that contain the page's metadata.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
IsDescendantOf |
Checks whether the specified Asset Folder is an ancestor of the context asset item.
(Inherited from IAssetItem.) | |
MarkedForPublish |
Finds out whether the page is marked for publish on any Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedForPublishOnTarget(String) |
Finds out whether the page is marked for publish on a specific Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedForPublishOnTarget(IPublishingTarget) |
Finds out whether the page is marked for publish on a specific Publishing Target.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedForPublishPropagated |
Finds out whether the page is marked on all Publishing Targets, and the marked versions are the targets are the latest version of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersion(String) |
Retrieves the marked version object on a specific Publishing Target.
Can be null if not marked on that Publishing Target
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersion(IPublishingTarget) |
Retrieves the marked version object on a specific Publishing Target.
Can be null if not marked on that Publishing Target
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersionNumber(String) |
Retrieves the marking version number on a specific Publishing Target.
If item is not marked on that target, returns -1
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkedVersionNumber(IPublishingTarget) |
Retrieves the marking version number on a specific Publishing Target.
If item is not marked on that target, returns -1
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
MarkForPublish |
Marks this version for publish on the specified Publishing Target (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
NewFirstChildPosition |
Retrieves position for the next child object to be created at the beginning
under this object
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
NextChildPosition |
Retrieves position reversed for the next child object to be created
under this object
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
ParentFolder |
Retrieves the parent asset folder of the context asset item.
(Inherited from IAssetItem.) | |
Path |
Retrieves the string path of the page names, starting from the content store root node. Delimited by "/".
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
QuickEditableFields |
Retrieves the collection of fields, that represents the version object
and contains the summary of the version
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
RegionRoot |
Retrieves the Locale (language) root of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
RemoveAsset |
Removes a specified asset from the context asset folder.
| |
RemoveCategory |
Removes the association between this page and the specified Category.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
RemoveChildren |
Removes all descendant assets and asset folders from the context asset folder.
| |
RemoveElement |
Removes an Element from the descendants collection.
(Inherited from IContentItemVersion.) | |
RemoveFolder |
Removes a specified child asset folder from within a context asset folder.
| |
RemoveFromWorkflow |
Removes the page from its Current Workflow.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
RemoveSecurityGroup |
Removes the access rights of a given user group to this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
RevertToVersion |
Reverts the page's content to that of a given Version.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
Rollback |
Reverts a page's content to that of its latest previous Version.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Save |
Saves this page's XML content. This method must be called to update a page's XML content.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityGroups |
Retrieves the collection of User Groups that have the given access level on this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityGroupsCount |
Retrieves the count of User Groups that have a security setting—either explicit or inherited from parent pages—on this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SecurityLevel |
Retrieves the access level of specific User. The access level is the highest access level of all the
Groups to which this user belongs.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SendGroupNotificationMail | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SendWorkFlowNotificationMail |
Sends a workflow notification email to the given recipients.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SerializeCheckedInVersion |
Returns the XML element that was serialized from the checked-in version of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SetSecurityGroup |
Sets the access level to this page for a specific User Group.
Successful execution of this method causes the SecurityInherited property to be set to false.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SetSystemAttribute(EnumSystemAttributes, IAttribute) |
Sets value for a system attribute.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
SetSystemAttribute(EnumSystemAttributes, String) |
Sets string value for a system attribute.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
Siblings |
Retrieves sibling pages of this page on the content tree.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
Touch |
Updated the entity's LastModified value to the current time.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
Unassign | (Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
UndoCheckOut |
Discards the changes in checked-out content and reverts the page to a checked-in state.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) | |
UnmanagedAssetFolders |
Retrieves the collection of unmanaged Asset Folders under the folder.
| |
UnmanagedAssets |
Retrieves the collection of unmanaged Assets under the folder.
| |
ValidateData |
Validates this entity's data. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
ValidateUserPermission |
Validates the user permission on the current entity. Implemented by concrete inheriting types.
It is called automatically upon saving an entity.
(Inherited from IEntity.) | |
Version |
Retrieves a Version of this page by version number.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
Versions |
Retrieves the version history of this page. The items are returned by version number in descending order.
(Inherited from IContentItemT, TVersion, TSchema, TSchemaVersion.) | |
VersionsCount |
Gets the count of all previous versions of this page.
(Inherited from IContentItem.) |