SchemaDesignerServicesSaveSchema Method |
Namespace: IngeniuxCMService
Information on the Schema to be created/updated. When "UniqueID" field is null or empty, creating a new Schema
{ "data": { "FriendlyName": "Details", "RootName": "Details", "IsComponent": "false", "viewType": "View-DSS", "ViewName": "Details", "Stylesheet": "", "WorkflowDefinitionID": "", "Icon": 2, "DefaultCategoryIDs": "", "AllowedCategoryRootIDs": "", "IsDynamicSitePage": true, "CurrentUser": "INGENIUX\\awang", "UniqueID": "schemas/194", "Fields": [{ "TypeID": "2", "TypeName": "Text Element", "ElementTypeName": "string", "Required": false, "Readonly": false, "Hidden": true, "UniqueID": null, "Properties": [], "Label": "Title", "Name": "Title", "DefaultValue": "", "HelpText": "", "Exports": "" }, { "TypeID": "3", "TypeName": "XHTML Element", "ElementTypeName": "dhtml", "Required": false, "Readonly": true, "Hidden": false, "UniqueID": null, "Properties": [{ "Name": "Height", "Value": "", "Type": "integer", "Label": "Height" }], "Label": "Body Copy", "Name": "BodyCopy", "DefaultValue": "", "HelpText": "", "Exports": "" }, { "TypeID": "4", "TypeName": "Component", "ElementTypeName": "Component", "Required": false, "Readonly": false, "Hidden": false, "UniqueID": null, "Properties": [{ "Name": "Component", "Value": "x4", "Type": "page", "Label": "Component" }, { "Name": "CompTypes", "Value": "SiteControl", "Type": "schemas", "Label": "Component Types" }, { "Name": "WrappedUp", "Value": "false", "Type": "boolean", "Label": "Wrapped in Expanded Xml" }, { "Name": "AllowWrappingChange", "Value": "false", "Type": "boolean", "Label": "Allow changing xml wrapping" }], "Label": "Site Control", "Name": "SiteControl", "HelpText": "", "Exports": "" }, { "TypeID": "8", "TypeName": "Navigation", "ElementTypeName": "Navigation", "Required": false, "Readonly": false, "Hidden": false, "UniqueID": null, "Properties": [{ "Name": "Expanded", "Value": "false", "Type": "boolean", "Label": "Expanded by Default" }, { "Name": "Navigation", "Value": "Ancestors", "Type": "enumeration", "Label": "Navigation Type", "Choices": "Children;Ancestors;Sibling;Sequential;SubTree" }, { "Name": "GenerationOrder", "Value": "down", "Type": "enumeration", "Label": "Generation Order", "Choices": "up;down" }, { "Name": "StartPage", "Value": "x2", "Type": "page", "Label": "Start Page" }, { "Name": "MaxNodes", "Value": "", "Type": "", "Label": "Maximum Nodes" }, { "Name": "MaxDepth", "Value": "", "Type": "", "Label": "Maximum Depth" }, { "Name": "Query", "Value": "", "Type": "", "Label": "Query" }], "Label": "Ancestor Navigation", "Name": "AncestorNavigation", "HelpText": "", "Exports": "" }], "saveNewVersion": false } }
Full details of created/updated Schema
{ "code": 0, "error": null, "message": { "AllowedCategoryRootIDs": "", "AllowedCategoryRoots": [], "DefaultCategories": [], "DefaultCategoryIDs": "", "Drafting": true, "Fields": [{ "ChildElementLabel": null, "ChildElementName": null, "ChildElementTypeID": "1", "ChildProperties": [], "DefaultValue": null, "ElementTypeName": "string", "Exports": "", "HasExports": false, "HelpText": "", "Hidden": true, "IconName": "document16", "IsXpower": false, "Label": "Title", "Name": "Title", "Properties": [], "Readonly": false, "Required": false, "ResersedContentUnitField": false, "TypeID": "2", "TypeLabel": "Plain Text", "TypeName": "Text Element", "UniqueID": null }, { "ChildElementLabel": null, "ChildElementName": null, "ChildElementTypeID": "1", "ChildProperties": [], "DefaultValue": null, "ElementTypeName": "dhtml", "Exports": "", "HasExports": false, "HelpText": "", "Hidden": false, "IconName": "edit16", "IsXpower": false, "Label": "Body Copy", "Name": "BodyCopy", "Properties": [{ "Choices": "", "Label": "Height", "Name": "Height", "Type": "integer", "Value": "" }], "Readonly": true, "Required": false, "ResersedContentUnitField": false, "TypeID": "3", "TypeLabel": "XHTML Editor", "TypeName": "XHTML Element", "UniqueID": null }, { "ChildElementLabel": null, "ChildElementName": null, "ChildElementTypeID": "1", "ChildProperties": [], "DefaultValue": null, "ElementTypeName": "Component", "Exports": "", "HasExports": false, "HelpText": "", "Hidden": false, "IconName": "component16", "IsXpower": true, "Label": "Site Control", "Name": "SiteControl", "Properties": [{ "Choices": "", "Label": "Component", "Name": "Component", "Type": "page", "Value": "x4" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Component Types", "Name": "CompTypes", "Type": "schemas", "Value": "SiteControl" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Wrapped in Expanded Xml", "Name": "WrappedUp", "Type": "boolean", "Value": "false" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Allow changing xml wrapping", "Name": "AllowWrappingChange", "Type": "boolean", "Value": "false" }], "Readonly": false, "Required": false, "ResersedContentUnitField": false, "TypeID": "4", "TypeLabel": "Component", "TypeName": "Component", "UniqueID": null }, { "ChildElementLabel": null, "ChildElementName": null, "ChildElementTypeID": "1", "ChildProperties": [], "DefaultValue": null, "ElementTypeName": "Navigation", "Exports": "", "HasExports": true, "HelpText": "", "Hidden": false, "IconName": "navigation16", "IsXpower": true, "Label": "Ancestor Navigation", "Name": "AncestorNavigation", "Properties": [{ "Choices": "", "Label": "Expanded by Default", "Name": "Expanded", "Type": "boolean", "Value": "false" }, { "Choices": "Children;Ancestors;Sibling;Sequential;SubTree", "Label": "Navigation Type", "Name": "Navigation", "Type": "enumeration", "Value": "Ancestors" }, { "Choices": "up;down", "Label": "Generation Order", "Name": "GenerationOrder", "Type": "enumeration", "Value": "down" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Start Page", "Name": "StartPage", "Type": "page", "Value": "x2" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Maximum Nodes", "Name": "MaxNodes", "Type": "", "Value": "" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Maximum Depth", "Name": "MaxDepth", "Type": "", "Value": "" }, { "Choices": "", "Label": "Query", "Name": "Query", "Type": "", "Value": "" }], "Readonly": false, "Required": false, "ResersedContentUnitField": false, "TypeID": "8", "TypeLabel": "Navigation", "TypeName": "Navigation", "UniqueID": null }], "FriendlyName": "Details", "Icon": 2, "IsComponent": false, "IsDynamicSitePage": true, "OriginPageId": null, "PagesCount": 0, "PresentationsCount": 0, "RootName": "Details", "Stylesheet": "", "UniqueID": "schemas\/194", "Version": 4, "VersionsCount": 2, "VersionsList": [{ "Date": "20140120T14:21:50", "User": "User\/INGENIUX___awang", "Version": 3 }, { "Date": "20131210T15:36:28", "User": "User\/INGENIUX___awang", "Version": 2 }], "ViewName": "Details", "WorkflowDefinitionID": "", "WorkflowDefinitions": null } }
Friendly Names of Schemas are unique. If created/updated Schema friendly name matches the friendly name of another Schema, returns error status.
This operation doesn't change Schema's presentation information.