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EnumElementType Enumeration

The list of field types on a Page.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS.Enums
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public enum EnumElementType
  Member nameValueDescription
IGX_ELEMENT_TEXT1 Text element
IGX_ELEMENT_CDATA2 DHTML/XHTML element with content wrapped in CDATA
IGX_COMPONENT3 Field that brings in content from a component (xPower element)
IGX_LINK4 Fields that bring in extracted content from one Page to another pointing to an asset path or external URL (xPower element)
IGX_INSERT5 Field that brings in content from either a local file to an external URL (xPower element)
IGX_NAVIGATION6 Field that brings in Pages that are structurally related to the Page in which the field resides (xPower element)
IGX_COM_EXECUTE7 Obsolete. Field that brings in structured content by invoking method on a COM object (xPower element)
IGX_COBRAND8 Obsolete. xPower element
IGX_COBRAND_GROUP9 Obsolete. xPower element
IGX_JAVA_EXECUTE10 Obsolete. Field that brings in structured content by invoking a Java object (xPower element)
IGX_SCRIPT11 Obsolete. Field that brings in structured content by invoking a Microsoft JScript fragment (xPower element)
IGX_CONTAINER_NAVIGATION12 Obsolete. xPower element
IGX_BOOLEAN13 Field that stores a true/false value
IGX_PASSWORD14 Field that stores a text value that has be encrypted (xPower element)
IGX_GROUP_START15 Field that groups other types of fields together (xPower element)
IGX_GROUP_END16 Field that marks the end of a group (for schema use only)
IGX_LIST17 Field that provides a collection of single fields with same name, label, and field type (xPower element)
IGX_TAXONOMYNAVIGATION18 Field that brings in Pages that are related via Category associations to the Page in which this field resides (xPower element)
IGX_REFERENCES19 Field that brings in Pages that are related via crossreferences to the Page in which this field resides (xPower element)
IGX_LINKSET20 Field that brings extracted content from multiple Pages (xPower element)
IGX_ENUMERATION21 Field that provides a list of choices for a single selection
IGX_DATE22 Field that stores a UTC DateTime value as a string
IGX_LOCAL_DATE23 Field that stores a local DateTime value as a string that keeps only the Date information
IGX_LOCAL_TIME24 Field that stores a local DateTime value as a string that keeps only the Time information
IGX_MULTI_SELECT25 Field that provides a list of choices for multiple selections
IGX_IMAGE26 Field that refers to an Image asset
IGX_MEDIA27 Field that refers to an Media asset
IGX_DOCUMENT28 Field that refers to a Document asset
IGX_DYNAMIC_EXECUTE29 Field that brings in structured content by invoking a .NET object, inherits the "IDynamicExecuteComponent" interface from the RTAPI (xPower element)
IGX_ASSET30 Field that references a CMS.Asset object
IGX_ASSETLINKSET31 Field that references a CMS.Asset object
IGX_ASSETNAVIGATION32 Field that references a CMS.Asset object
IGX_ASSETTAXONOMYNAVIGATION33 Field that references a CMS.Asset object
IGX_XML34 Field that contains raw xml
See Also