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EnumUserRightTwo Enumeration

The list of permissions in the second section of UserRights.

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS.Enums
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public enum EnumUserRightTwo
  Member nameValueDescription
IGX_USER_RIGHT_TWO_NONE0 No rights in this section.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_VIEW_EDIT_FORM1 Allowed to see the Edit tab. This permission is user interface–specific..
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_VIEW_HISTORY2 Allowed to see the History tab. This permission is user interface–specific..
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_VIEW_SEARCH4 Allowed to see the Search pane. This permission is user interface–specific..
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_VIEW_APPS8 Allowed to see the App pane. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_ADD_WORD_TO_DICTIONARY16 Allowed to add custom words to spell-checking dictionaries.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_PUBLISH_DUPBLICATES32 Allowed to repeatedly Publish to the same Publishing Target with the same Root Page and same publishing type (incremental or full).
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_MANAGE_SCHEMA64 Allowed to manage Schemas without being an administrator.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_EDIT_ASSETS128 Allowed to edit an individual image via CMS image-editing features. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_EMBED_UNEMBED_COMPONENTS256 Allowed to Embed and Unembed a Component.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_MANAGE_CONTENT_UNITS512 Allowed to add, remove, and update Content Units in the PageBuidler system.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_BUILD_PAGE_PRESENTATION1024 Allowed to use the "Design" menu item and its subitems on the Page Preview menu. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_MANAGE_PRESENTATION_LAYOUT2048 Allowed to add and remove rows and columns and reorder rows. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_ADD_REMOVE_CONTENT_UNIT_INSTANCES4096 Allowed to drop content units into columns and remove already-placed content unit instances. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_REORDER_CONTENT_UNIT_INSTANCES8192 Allowed to move placed content unit instances. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_CREATE_MANAGE_PAGE_PRESENTATIONS16384 Allowed to create new presentations and manage existing presentations. This permission is user interface–specific..
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CAN_MANAGE_REDIRECTS32768 Allowed to manage runtime redirects. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_CAN_VIEW_HISTORY65536 Allowed to see the Asset History tab. This permission is user interface–specific..
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_CAN_ASSET131072 Allowed to work with asset system, user without this permission cannot access asset area at all
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_MARK262144 Allowed to mark and unmark assets for publish.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_PUBLISH524288 Allowed to publish assets independently.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_ROLLBACK1048576 Allowed to roll back an asset to its previous version.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_ASSIGNMENT2097152 Allowed to assign assets to a user or to a group that was originally assigned to another User. This permission also impacts on Check-in of Assets.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_WORKFLOW4194304 Allowed to add assets to, or remove assets from Workflow.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_TRANSITION8388608 Allowed to Advance a Asset in Workflow, when the Asset is not assigned to the operating User, or the operating User doesn't belong to the Asset's Assigned Group.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_TREE16777216 Allows the asset tree to be visible to the operating User on the Ingeniux CMS client application.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_CREATE33554432 Allowed to create new Assets.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_CHECKIN_CHECKOUT67108864 Allowed to check in and check outAssets and Asset Folders.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_REORDER_ASSIGNED_OTHERS134217728 Allowed to Move Assets and Asset Folders that are assigned to other users.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_CATEGORIZE268435456 Allowed to apply Categories on Assets. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_SET_LOCALE536870912 Allowed to see the Language tab in the Asset Properties and set Asset Locale. This permission is user interface–specific.
User rights enum values are sets of flags.
See Also