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EnumUserRight Enumeration

The list of permissions in the first section of UserRights

Namespace:  Ingeniux.CMS.Enums
Assembly:  Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI (in Ingeniux.CMS.CSAPI.dll) Version: 10.5.94
public enum EnumUserRight
  Member nameValueDescription
IGX_USER_RIGHT_NONE0 No rights in this section
IGX_USER_RIGHT_EDIT1 Allowed to make changes to Pages' content and save them. This permission also impacts making and saving changes to a page's PCR and security settings.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CHECKIN_OTHERS2 Allowed to check inPages assigned to other Users and Groups
IGX_USER_RIGHT_DELETE4 Allowed to delete pages from the content store.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_MARK8 Allowed to mark and unmark pages for publish.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_PUBLISH16 Allowed to publish pages.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ADMIN32 Allowed to perform administrative duties.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ROLLBACK64 Allowed to roll back a page to its previous version.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSIGNMENT128 Allowed to assign pages to a user or to a group that was originally assigned to another User. This permission also impacts on Check-in of Pages.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_WORKFLOW256 Allowed to add pages to, or remove pages from. Workflow.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_REORDER512 Allowed to Move and CopyPages.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_TRANSITION1024 Allowed to Advance a Page in Workflow, when the Page is not assigned to the operating User, or the operating User doesn't belong to the Page's Assigned Group.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_TREE2048 Allows the site tree to be visible to the operating User on the Ingeniux CMS client application.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_MAIN4096 Obsolete. Refers to using the Admin ActiveX client before version 7.5.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CREATE8192 Allowed to create new Pages.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_PAGE_TYPES16384 Allowed to Create Pages with Schemas directly, in addition to with Page Creation Rules.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CHECKIN_CHECKOUT32768 Allowed to check in and check outPages.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_PUBLISH_INCREMENTAL65536 Allowed to Publish changed pages and assets only, without a cleanup action on the target folder.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_EDIT_STYLESHEET131072 Allowed to change the "Layout" field value on the CMS client edit form. This permission decides if the "Layout" field is enabled or disabled when a Page is checked out to the operating User.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_REORDER_ASSIGNED_OTHERS262144 Allowed to Move Pages that are assigned to other users.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_EDIT_PASSWORDS524288 Allowed to make changes on a Password element. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_CATEGORIZE1048576 Allowed to apply Categories on Pages. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_MANAGE_TAXONOMY2097152 Allowed to manage the Taxonomy System without being an Administrator. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_VIEW_XML_TAB4194304 Allowed to view the XML tab. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_VIEW_HIDDEN_ELEMENTS8388608 Allowed to view the hidden fields on Edit Form. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_DELETE_ASSET_FILES33554432 Allowed to remove assets and asset folders from the content store.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_MANAGE_ASSET_FOLDERS67108864 Allowed to Move and Copy Assets and Asset Folders.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_LOCALIZE_SITE_DEFINITIONS134217728 Allowed to see the Localization app on the Administration pane, which is used to translate Schemas, Page Creation Rules, Workflow Definitions and Workstates. This permission is user interface–specific..
IGX_USER_RIGHT_SET_PAGE_LOCALE268435456 Allowed to see the Language tab on the Page Properties dialog and set Page Locale. This permission is user interface–specific.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_EDIT_METADATA536870912 Allowed to make changes to Assets' metadata and save them.
IGX_USER_RIGHT_ASSET_CHECKIN_OTHERS1073741824 Allowed to check inAssets and Asset Folders assigned to other Users and Groups
User rights enum values are a set of flags
See Also