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ISite Methods

The ISite type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsset
Retrieves an Asset by its unique ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetByPath
Retrieves an asset by its full path
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetFolder
Retrieves a asset folder by its unique ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetFolderByPath
Retrieves an asset folder by its full path
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetFolders
Retrieves a collection of asset folders by their unique IDs.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetItem
Retrieve an Asset or Asset Folder by its unique ID
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetItems
Retrieves a collection of assets by their unique IDs.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetRegionRoots
Retrieves the Asset Items that have Locales set and not Inheriting Locale from their ancestors, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetRootFolders
Retrieves a collection of the Asset Folders at the top level of the asset tree.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssets(IEnumerableString)
Retrieves a collection of Assets by their unique IDs.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCode exampleAssets(FuncIAsset, Boolean)

Retrieves a collection of Assets, pre-filtered through a function. e.g. a function to filter assets that have the jpg extension.

(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssets(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves the collection of all Assets, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetsAssignedToGroup
Retrieves a collection of Assets assigned to a specific Group, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodAssetsAssignedToUser
Retrieves a collection of Assets assigned to a specific User, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodAssetsBySchemas
Retrieves assets created using a specified list of asset schemas.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodAssetsCount
Gets the count of Asset on this Site Instance.
Public methodCacheAssetFolderPaths
Fetch and generate a dictionary of asset folder names and parent ids. Used during publish to allow asset.path() to pull from this cache.
Public methodCancelContentFreeze
Cancel a pending or ongoing Content Freeze State.
Public methodComponentReferences
Retrieves a collection of Pages that have component references to the specified Component, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodComponents
Retrieves the collection of all Component Pages, in a paginated fashion. Components don't have their own view/template. They are shared among Pages as reusable content.
Public methodComponentsMetaData
Public methodContentFreezeState
Retrieves the Content Freeze State of the Site Instance. This object is used to toggle content freeze on the Site Instance.
Public methodContentItem
Public methodContentItems
Public methodContentItemsByKeywords(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a collection of Pages by keywords in the Pages' Name, and any text/xhtml field values, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodContentItemsByKeywords(String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a collection of Pages by keywords in the Pages' Name, or specified text/xhtml field, with additional filtering of Root Name and field to search on, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodCopyAsset
Creates a copy of an Asset into a target Asset Folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCopyAssetFolder
Creates a copy of an Asset Folder in a specified asset folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCopyPage
Copies a Page together with its descendants, to the specified location.
Public methodCopyPageSingle
Copies a Page without its descendants, to the specified location.
Public methodCopyRegionRootAssetItem
Clones an Asset Item that is set as a region root.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCopyRegionRootPage

Clones a Region Root, together with its descendants, to another location. The cloned Page will also be a Region Root, with the specified language setting applied.

This method will create a collection of Lingual Maps from the source Page and its descendants, to their corresponding clone Pages.

Public methodCreateAsset(IAssetFolder, IAssetSchema, String, Boolean, Stream, Boolean)
Creates a new Asset with specific Asset Schema.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCreateAsset(IAssetFolder, IAssetSchema, String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Creates a new Asset with specific Asset Schema with an external URL rather than an uploaded file.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCreateAssetFolder
Creates a new Asset Folder in a specified parent folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCreateAssetFolderLocaleCache
Public methodCreateAssetLocaleCache
Public methodCreateAssetRootFolder
Creates a new Asset Folder at the top level of the asset tree.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCreatePage(IPageCreationRule, String, IPage, Boolean, String)
Creates a new Page based on a Page Creation Rule.
Public methodCreatePage(ISchema, String, IPage, Boolean, Boolean)
Creates a new Page with specific Schema.
Public methodCreatePageLocaleCache
Fetch and generate a dictionary of page info and parent ids. Used during publish to fetch inherited locales..
Public methodCrossLocaleCopyAssetItem (Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodCrossLocaleCopyPage

Copies a Page with language settings, together with its descendants, to another location of a Page with language settings, when there is a Lingual Map established between the Region Roots of both Pages .

This method will create a collection of Lingual Maps from the source Page and its descendants, to their corresponding clone Pages.

Public methodCurrentVersionFilesCount
Calculates the current version files count across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodDeepCloneT, TManager
Duplicates an object instance, not including its unique ID.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodEmptyAssetRecyleFolder
Permanently removes all Asset Items in the asset recycle folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodEmptyRecycleFolder
Permenantly delete all Pages under Recycle Folder.
Public methodFreezeContent
Plans a Content Freeze on the Site Instance.
Public methodGetEmailTemplate
Retrieves the email template for a specific User.
Public methodImagesAssignedToUser
Retrieves all image asset that are assigned to user
Public methodLinkReferences
Retrieves a collection of Pages that have link or link-set references to the specified Target Page , in a paginated fashion.
Public methodManageAssetItemT
Public methodCode exampleMetaDataReadT
Retrieves a meta data value via callback
Public methodMoveAsset
Moves an asset from its current location to a new target Asset Folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodMoveAssetFolder
Moves an Asset Folder together with its descendants to the specified target location.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodMovePage
Moves a Page together with its descendants, to the specified location.
Public methodPage
Retrieves a Page by its unique Id.
Public methodPages(IEnumerableString)
Retrieves a collection of Pages by their unique Ids.
Public methodPages(FuncIPage, Boolean)
Retrieves a collection of Pages, filtered by a callback method.
Public methodPages(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves the collection of all Pages, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodPagesAssignedToGroup
Retrieves a collection of Pages assigned to a specific Group, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodPagesAssignedToUser
Retrieves a collection of Pages assigned to a specific User, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodPagesAssignedToUserCount
Gets the count of Pages assigned to the specified User.
Public methodPagesByRootNames
Retrieves a collection of Pages by their Root Names.
Public methodPagesBySchemas
Retrieves a collection of Pages by Schemas.
Public methodPagesCount
Gets the count of Pages on this Site Instance.
Public methodPagesHistoryByKeywords(String, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a collection of Page Versions by keywords in the Pages' Name, and any text/xhtml field values, in a paginated fashion. This search covers the entire existing history of the Pages.
Public methodPagesHistoryByKeywords(String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a collection of Page Versions by keywords in the Pages' Name, or specified text/xhtml field, with additional filtering of Root Name and field to search on, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodPagesMetaDataByRootNames
Public methodPreviousVersionsFilesCount
Calculated the previous version files count across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodPreviousVersionsStorageSpace
Calculates the total storage space of previous versions across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodQuickWrite
Creates a temporary Write Session to quickly write something outside the current Session and transaction. This is a way to bypass the transaction and quickly put something into the content store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.)
Public methodRecycleAssetFolder
Retrieves the Recycle Folder of the AssetManager Instance.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodRecycleFolder
Retrieves the Recycle Folder of the Site Instance
Public methodRegionRoots
Retrieves the Pages that have Locales set and not Inheriting Locale from their ancestors, in a paginated fashion.
Public methodRelatedAssets
Retrieves assets that are related to a specified asset.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodRemoveAsset
Removes a single Asset by ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodRemoveAssetFolder
Removes a single Asset Folder by ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.)
Public methodRemovePage
Removes a single Page.
Public methodSerializeAssetTree
Public methodSerializeAssetTreeForIncrementalPublishing
Public methodSerializeForIncrementalPublishing(IPublishingTarget, IEnumerableString)
Public methodSerializeForIncrementalPublishing(IPublishingTarget, IEnumerableString, DictionaryString, IPage)
Incrementally produces XML serialization for a specific Publishing Target. This method generates the content of published reference.xml for Dynamic Site Server.
Public methodSerializeForPublishing(IPublishingTarget)
Public methodSerializeForPublishing(IPublishingTarget, DictionaryString, IPage)
Produces XML serialization for a specific Publishing Target. This method generates the content of published reference.xml for Dynamic Site Server.
Public methodSiteRoot
Retrieves the Root Page of the Site Instance.
Public methodStorageTrack
Retrieves the storage tracking information of an Asset type/schema
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodStorageTracks
Retrieves all storage tracks
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodStyleSheets
Retrieves the XSLT stylesheets collection in the "App_Data\xml\Stylesheets" Folder.
Public methodTotalStorageSpace
Calculates the total storage space across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.)
Public methodUnmanageAssetItemT
Public methodValidateStylesheets
Perform XML validation on the XSLT stylesheets.
See Also