ISite Methods |
The ISite type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Asset |
Retrieves an Asset by its unique ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetByPath |
Retrieves an asset by its full path
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetFolder |
Retrieves a asset folder by its unique ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetFolderByPath |
Retrieves an asset folder by its full path
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetFolders |
Retrieves a collection of asset folders by their unique IDs.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetItem |
Retrieve an Asset or Asset Folder
by its unique ID
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetItems |
Retrieves a collection of assets by their unique IDs.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetRegionRoots |
Retrieves the Asset Items that have Locales set and not Inheriting Locale from
their ancestors, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetRootFolders |
Retrieves a collection of the Asset Folders at the top level of the asset tree.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
Assets(IEnumerableString) |
Retrieves a collection of Assets by their unique IDs.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
Assets(FuncIAsset, Boolean) | Retrieves a collection of Assets, pre-filtered through a function. e.g. a function to filter assets that have the jpg extension. | |
Assets(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Retrieves the collection of all Assets, in a paginated fashion.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetsAssignedToGroup | ||
AssetsAssignedToUser | ||
AssetsBySchemas |
Retrieves assets created using a specified list of asset schemas.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
AssetsCount |
Gets the count of Asset on this Site Instance.
| |
CacheAssetFolderPaths |
Fetch and generate a dictionary of asset folder names and parent ids.
Used during publish to allow asset.path() to pull from this cache.
| |
CancelContentFreeze |
Cancel a pending or ongoing Content Freeze State.
| |
ComponentReferences | ||
Components |
Retrieves the collection of all Component Pages, in a paginated fashion.
Components don't have their own view/template. They are shared among Pages as reusable content.
| |
ComponentsMetaData | ||
ContentFreezeState |
Retrieves the Content Freeze State of the Site Instance.
This object is used to toggle content freeze on the Site Instance.
| |
ContentItem | ||
ContentItems | ||
ContentItemsByKeywords(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) | ||
ContentItemsByKeywords(String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) | ||
CopyAsset |
Creates a copy of an Asset into a target Asset Folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CopyAssetFolder |
Creates a copy of an Asset Folder in a specified asset folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CopyPage |
Copies a Page together with its descendants, to the specified location.
| |
CopyPageSingle |
Copies a Page without its descendants, to the specified location.
| |
CopyRegionRootAssetItem |
Clones an Asset Item that is set as a region root.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CopyRegionRootPage | Clones a Region Root, together with its descendants, to another location. The cloned Page will also be a Region Root, with the specified language setting applied. This method will create a collection of Lingual Maps from the source Page and its descendants, to their corresponding clone Pages. | |
CreateAsset(IAssetFolder, IAssetSchema, String, Boolean, Stream, Boolean) |
Creates a new Asset with specific Asset Schema.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CreateAsset(IAssetFolder, IAssetSchema, String, Boolean, String, Boolean) |
Creates a new Asset with specific Asset Schema with an external URL rather than an uploaded file.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CreateAssetFolder |
Creates a new Asset Folder in a specified parent folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CreateAssetFolderLocaleCache | ||
CreateAssetLocaleCache | ||
CreateAssetRootFolder |
Creates a new Asset Folder at the top level of the asset tree.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CreatePage(IPageCreationRule, String, IPage, Boolean, String) |
Creates a new Page based on a Page Creation Rule.
| |
CreatePage(ISchema, String, IPage, Boolean, Boolean) | ||
CreatePageLocaleCache |
Fetch and generate a dictionary of page info and parent ids.
Used during publish to fetch inherited locales..
| |
CrossLocaleCopyAssetItem | (Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
CrossLocaleCopyPage | Copies a Page with language settings, together with its descendants, to another location of a Page with language settings, when there is a Lingual Map established between the Region Roots of both Pages . This method will create a collection of Lingual Maps from the source Page and its descendants, to their corresponding clone Pages. | |
CurrentVersionFilesCount |
Calculates the current version files count across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.) | |
DeepCloneT, TManager |
Duplicates an object instance, not including its unique ID.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.) | |
EmptyAssetRecyleFolder |
Permanently removes all Asset Items in the asset recycle folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
EmptyRecycleFolder |
Permenantly delete all Pages under Recycle Folder.
| |
FreezeContent |
Plans a Content Freeze on the Site Instance.
| |
GetEmailTemplate |
Retrieves the email template for a specific User.
| |
ImagesAssignedToUser |
Retrieves all image asset that are assigned to user
| |
LinkReferences |
Retrieves a collection of Pages that have link or link-set references to the specified Target Page ,
in a paginated fashion.
| |
ManageAssetItemT | ||
MetaDataReadT |
Retrieves a meta data value via callback
| |
MoveAsset |
Moves an asset from its current location to a new target Asset Folder.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
MoveAssetFolder |
Moves an Asset Folder together with its descendants to the specified target location.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
MovePage |
Moves a Page together with its descendants, to the specified location.
| |
Page |
Retrieves a Page by its unique Id.
| |
Pages(IEnumerableString) |
Retrieves a collection of Pages by their unique Ids.
| |
Pages(FuncIPage, Boolean) |
Retrieves a collection of Pages, filtered by a callback method.
| |
Pages(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Retrieves the collection of all Pages, in a paginated fashion.
| |
PagesAssignedToGroup | ||
PagesAssignedToUser | ||
PagesAssignedToUserCount | ||
PagesByRootNames |
Retrieves a collection of Pages by their Root Names.
| |
PagesBySchemas | ||
PagesCount |
Gets the count of Pages on this Site Instance.
| |
PagesHistoryByKeywords(String, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32) |
Retrieves a collection of Page Versions by keywords in the Pages' Name,
and any text/xhtml field values, in a paginated fashion.
This search covers the entire existing history of the Pages.
| |
PagesHistoryByKeywords(String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) |
Retrieves a collection of Page Versions by keywords in the Pages' Name,
or specified text/xhtml field, with additional filtering of Root Name and field to search on, in a paginated fashion.
| |
PagesMetaDataByRootNames | ||
PreviousVersionsFilesCount |
Calculated the previous version files count across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.) | |
PreviousVersionsStorageSpace |
Calculates the total storage space of previous versions across all
Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.) | |
QuickWrite |
Creates a temporary Write Session to quickly write something outside the current Session and transaction.
This is a way to bypass the transaction and quickly put something into the content store.
(Inherited from ITransactionalEntity.) | |
RecycleAssetFolder |
Retrieves the Recycle Folder of the AssetManager Instance.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
RecycleFolder |
Retrieves the Recycle Folder of the Site Instance
| |
RegionRoots |
Retrieves the Pages that have Locales set and not Inheriting Locale from
their ancestors, in a paginated fashion.
| |
RelatedAssets |
Retrieves assets that are related to a specified asset.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
RemoveAsset |
Removes a single Asset by ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
RemoveAssetFolder |
Removes a single Asset Folder by ID.
(Inherited from IAssetManager.) | |
RemovePage |
Removes a single Page.
| |
SerializeAssetTree | ||
SerializeAssetTreeForIncrementalPublishing | ||
SerializeForIncrementalPublishing(IPublishingTarget, IEnumerableString) | ||
SerializeForIncrementalPublishing(IPublishingTarget, IEnumerableString, DictionaryString, IPage) |
Incrementally produces XML serialization for a specific Publishing Target. This method generates the content
of published reference.xml for Dynamic Site Server.
| |
SerializeForPublishing(IPublishingTarget) | ||
SerializeForPublishing(IPublishingTarget, DictionaryString, IPage) |
Produces XML serialization for a specific Publishing Target. This method generates the content
of published reference.xml for Dynamic Site Server.
| |
SiteRoot |
Retrieves the Root Page of the Site Instance.
| |
StorageTrack |
Retrieves the storage tracking information of an Asset type/schema
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.) | |
StorageTracks |
Retrieves all storage tracks
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.) | |
StyleSheets |
Retrieves the XSLT stylesheets collection in the "App_Data\xml\Stylesheets" Folder.
| |
TotalStorageSpace |
Calculates the total storage space across all Storage Tracks.
(Inherited from IAssetStorageManager.) | |
UnmanageAssetItemT | ||
ValidateStylesheets |
Perform XML validation on the XSLT stylesheets.