Knowledge Base

Uninstalling CMS 10.5+ Instances and Stopping their RavenDB Services

Information and important considerations about how to uninstall a CMS 10.5+ instance and remove its RavenDB service, referenced by its process ID (PID).


To free up server resources, we recommend that systems administrators completely remove unused CMS instances. With the version update of the Raven Database (RavenDB) in Ingeniux CMS 10.5, the process of uninstalling CMS instances has changed.

In earlier CMS versions, administrators terminated individual database network services through the Windows Internet Information Services' database application pool. Starting with CMS 10.5, administrators must terminate orphaned database services from a command line. Each RavenDB service is referenced by its process ID (PID). Administrators need this PID for the Taskkill command they will execute at a Windows prompt.


To uninstall an Ingeniux CMS 10.5+ instance and stop its RavenDB service:

  1. As with all versions of Ingeniux CMS, first remove the CMS instance from the Add/Remove Programs list on the server where it was installed.

    See Microsoft: Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows for details.

  2. After removing the CMS instance, follow the steps below to stop the RavenDB service.
    1. Open Task Manager (e.g., Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager.) to find the PID for the RavenDB service you want to stop.
    2. Select the Services tab when Task Manager opens.
    3. In the Name column, find the RavenDB service that corresponds to the removed CMS instance.

      All RavenDB service names begin with Raven_DB_Server, include the name of the CMS that administrators provided when installing the CMS, and end with the listening port number (e.g., Raven_DB_Server_@_https:_<>:8081).

    4. Record the PID number of the appropriate RavenDB service.
    5. Open a command line console as an administrator.
    6. Enter the following command at the prompt: Taskkill /PID <PID-Number> /F, where <PID-Number> is the process ID number of the RavenDB service that you recorded.

      The command line returns a Success message, indicating that the service terminated. Also, in Task Manager > Services, the status of the RavenDB service changes from Running to Stopped.

    7. Complete the process by exiting from the command line console and closing Task Manager.
  • RELEASE: 10.5
  • Published: September 19, 2022
  • LAST UPDATED: September 18, 2023
  • Comments: 0

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