
How the Ingeniux Support System Works

A detailed overview of how our support system works. Learn how support tickets are classified, how to reach support after hours, and what to do in case of an emergency. No matter what happens: We've got you covered.

Here's everything you need to know about how our support system works at Ingeniux. If you'd like to save a copy of this infographic locally, download it here to keep as an on-hand reference for you and your team. 

If you have a high-priority issue and need assistance as soon as possible, file a ticket detailing the issue and call us immediately. If you are calling after hours or are unable to get a hold of us for some reason, make sure to leave a voicemail, which will notify our team of the issue and ensure a prompt response. 

Still have questions?

Not a problem! If you've got a question that's not answered above, feel free to reach out to us anytime - just click the button below to give us a shout. 

Again, if you have a high-priority issue or an emergency that you need Support to help address urgently, follow these instructions carefully:

  1. File a ticket detailing the issue.
  2. Call Support at 877-299-8900.
  3. If calling after hours, leave a voicemail - this will send a notification to an on-call member of our team. 

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