CMS 10.6.308: Schema "Last Modified" Values Inaccurate After Upgrade
The "Last Modified" date and "Last Modified User" values of each schema reflect changes made by the CMS 10.6.308 upgrade process and not by users.
Statement of Issue
After upgrading from CMS 10.0–10.5 to version 10.6.308, the CMS updates the Last Modified Date and Last Modified User values of each schema; however, these changes are executed by the system and not by users.
CMS 10.6 provides schema updates that previous versions do not include. When the upgrade process applies the new schema updates, the CMS accounts for them in the Last Modified values. This issue will affect custom reports that track schema changes because the report will include inaccurate data after the upgrade.
Users with schema management permissions can view these values by navigating to Administration > Schema Designer. See the Last Modified and Last Modified User columns.
Consider running custom reports that track schema changes before upgrading to CMS 10.6.308. If you run reports after upgrade, remember the Last Modified Date and Last Modified User values for schemas will reflect systematic changes, not user changes.
Additional Information
If you have questions, contact Ingeniux Support.
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