Knowledge Base

Additional DSS 10.x and DSS 9.x appSettings

This article describes values for the DSS application configuration settings in Web.config.


This article describes the non-default DSS application configuration settings in Web.config that may be used for specific configuration scenarios. Consult with Ingeniux Support before making any changes.


  • CMS 10.x and CMS 9.x sites.
  • Administrative rights on the Content Management Server.


Create a backup copy of your existing DSS Web.config file prior to any modifications.

  1. In a file browser, navigate to your DSS site's root folder (e.g., [Drive]:[path-to-DSS-root-folder]).
  2. Open Web.config in a text editor.
  3. Within the appSettings containing node, locate the key/value pair that requires editing, or refer to the table below for key names, value types, default values, and key/value pair descriptions. These key/value pairs are attributes within an add node.

    For example:

        <!-- Keep memory footprint to lowest.
        Affect performance of DSS right after publishes-->
        <add key="TightMemoryControl" value="false" />
  4. Set the appropriate value of the key attribute(s).
  5. Save Web.config when you finish. This recycles the DSS application pool and applies the given values.

If the key/value pair that requires editing is not in your Web.config file, enter an add node and the appropriate key/value attributes within the appSettings node.

Key Name Value Type Default Value Description


Number in seconds


This setting determines how long the DSS waits before the system dumps the cached value of a page after a publish is done—that is, before it refreshes based on the modification time of the publishdone.txt file. The effect of this setting cascades down to navigation rebuilding processes.1




If true, TightMemoryControl allows DSS sites to have better memory management by reclaiming memory after each publish.


Number in seconds


If reference.xml has changed, such as after a publish and replication event, and if TightMemoryControl is set to true, then the DSS waits for the number of seconds indicated by the MemoryCleanupDelay value after the publish is completed before the in-memory page cache data clears.



Number of processors x 2

This setting increases the thread pool limit count for navigation rebuilds; it is not recommended to change this value arbitrarily.




If the navigation element type is null, this setting determines if navigation falls back to the children type; changing this to false will prevent these navigation types from expanding. Most commonly used for legacy site implementations.




MobileViewBypassCookieName sets the name of the cookie that the DSS will use for Mobile views. The cookie-defined Boolean value determines if the system will render a page in mobile view.




For tablet users, this setting indicates system behavior when rendering a page. If TabletHandling is not set, it uses AsTablet as the value. Other possible settings are AsDesktop and AsMobile.




This setting designates custom controllers to be used in the DSS project.




If false, this setting doesn't force a download and a subsequent attempt to open the document in a browser.



Empty string2

This value is a semicolon-delimited list of extension file types that bypass the ForceDowloadDocuments value.




If true, the cache is based on the last modified date of the file.




Version Notes: CMS 10.6

This setting is exclusive to CMS 10.6. If true, this setting returns a cached version of the configured 404 page on the DSS. The cache resets when reference.xml is updated.


Number in minutes


This setting only applies if MIME type contains Image and does not include items in the prebuilt folder. This setting defines the maxAge in minutes for asset cache.


Number in minutes


This setting only applies to .js extension files and doesn't include items in the prebuilt folder. This setting defines the maxAge in minutes for asset cache.


Number in minutes


This setting only applies to .css extension files and doesn't include items in the prebuilt folder. This setting defines the maxAge in minutes for asset cache.

ExpandDocumentAssetLinks 3



This setting renders a fully qualified path on all requests for assets referenced on a document link element. This way, Ingeniux CMS Preview and DSS pages always have fully expanded paths for these element types. Under those conditions when a relative path to an asset may otherwise exist, asset paths resolve, appropriately.


This key/value pair only applies to Ingeniux CMS 10.x. All other key/value pairs apply to both CMS 9.x and 10.x.

Version Notes: CMS 10.3+

In prior releases, ExpandDocumentAssetLinks was limited to Document Asset Links. In Ingeniux CMS 10.3+, this application setting applies to asset elements as well.

DisableContentUnitRenderCache 4 Boolean false
Version Notes: CMS 10.3+

This setting determines whether or not the Page Builder Content Unit render cache is in effect. When not configured, this setting defaults to false.

ContentUnitRenderCacheTimeout 4 Number in seconds 0
Version Notes: CMS 10.3

This setting determines how long the Page Builder render cache remains in seconds. When not configured, this setting defaults to 0 (i.e., infinite).

InheritImageDimensions 5 Boolean true
Version Notes: CMS 10.3.70+

If true, the CMS inherits width and height asset attributes from the technical metadata to automatically populate the asset elements of associated assets. This auto-population of asset elements occurs during XML expansion. If you set a value manually for the asset element, the manually-set value overrides the technical metadata value.

If false, this value doesn't inherit the width and height asset attributes from the technical metadata to the asset elements. Disable the InheritImageDimensions setting if you want the asset element fields to populate width and height attributes, exclusively.

1. The publishdone.txt file adds a programmatic delay between when a publish completes replication and when the navigation begins to rebuild. The system creates this "trigger" file on each publish, and this file carries over to the DSS during replication. The DSS uses the last write time of the publishdone.txt to determine if the system should trigger any post-publish events (e.g., navigation rebuild, reloading of URL map files). This is to prevent any possible file locks that may be held on published content, thus removing any possible race conditions for navigation rebuilds.

2. These values were added as of CMS 9 SR6, with updates to the default Asset Controller in the DSS project.

3. The ExpandDocumentAssetLinks key/value pair only applies to Ingeniux CMS 10.x. All other key/value pairs apply to both CMS 9x and 10.x.

4. The caching mechanism is tied to publishdone.txt as a trigger to invalidate cache at publish time.

5. The CMS Edit tab, XML tab and, if you publish, the DSS display the populated asset elements. If administrators retain the checked-out content item with asset element changes, the CMS hides the changes from users without administrator permissions.

  • VERSION: CMS 10, CMS 9
  • RELEASE: 10.x
  • Published: September 8, 2016
  • LAST UPDATED: February 16, 2024
  • Comments: 0

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