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Looking Back at 2023 Software Release Highlights: In-Context Editing Updates

In the latest release of Ingeniux CMS, In-Context Editing (ICE) took a huge leap forward in terms of user experience and extensibility. Here we take a closer look at the new and improved ICE and detail how users will need to prepare to use this powerful feature when they upgrade.  

The final stop we’ll take on our journey through the release highlights from last year is In-Context Editing, a feature commonly referred to as “ICE.” 

Efficient content creation and optimization are paramount for maintaining an engaging online presence. Web content management systems play a pivotal role in this regard, offering tools and features that streamline the content creation process.  

Ingeniux In-Context Editing (ICE) is one such tool: A user-friendly, modular content assembly feature in the CMS, designed to enhance the experience of writing and delivering content to the web. 

In the latest release of Ingeniux CMS – Version 10.6 – In-Context Editing takes a huge leap forward in terms of user experience and extensibility.  

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how ICE has changed in the new version of the software and how users will need to prepare to use this powerful feature when they upgrade.  

Let’s dive into the concept of In-Context Editing, how it functions, and why it matters for content teams. 

What’s New? 

Redesigned User Interface for Enhanced Usability 

Ingeniux In-Context Editing (ICE) has received a significant update, putting user experience at the forefront. The latest version introduces a redesigned user interface, meticulously crafted to make it more user-friendly and streamlined. This redesign ensures that content creators can effortlessly navigate the ICE environment, making content creation and editing more intuitive and efficient. 

Flexible Content Creation and Editing 

The new ICE brings a game-changing feature: Users can now add and edit component content as templates or reusable components within individual component fields or lists of components. This added flexibility allows content contributors to create, modify, and reuse content in a highly efficient manner, ultimately leading to a more modular and versatile content model. 

Enhanced Administrative Control 

In response to user feedback, administrators now have greater control over the ICE editing environment. They can exercise precise authority to allow or disallow specific component types in ICE editing. This fine-tuned control ensures that the editing process aligns with organizational content policies and objectives, enhancing governance and content security. 

How It’s Used in the CMS 

In the CMS, users have three options for editing content: Index View, Form View, and In-Context Editing (ICE) View. Which option a user chooses will depend on their unique preferences and requirements.  

Seasoned editors often opt for the Index View because it’s a swift and efficient method for making quick content updates. However, a favored choice among content contributors is the In-Context Editing View. 

In-Context Editing offers users the ability to edit content within a contextual view of the page, presenting a true-to-life representation of how their content will appear in the final product. By seamlessly blending the creative process with the editing workflow, In-Context Editing empowers content contributors to fine-tune their content with precision and confidence. 

Implementation Considerations 

Successful implementation of the new Ingeniux In-Context Editing (ICE) features requires careful attention to several key aspects: 

  • Schema Adjustments: Developers need to modify ICE editable schemas to incorporate accommodating settings for components and lists of components. This step is crucial to ensure that content contributors can seamlessly add and edit these elements within the ICE environment. 
  • View Customization: Developers should also make necessary adjustments to views associated with components and lists of components to align with the schema changes. This synchronization is vital for a cohesive and user-friendly experience within ICE. 
  • Content Unit Creation: Developers or administrators must create content units as well as applicable component schemas to be used as templates. This step lays the foundation for the flexible content creation and editing capabilities offered by ICE, allowing users to leverage these templates efficiently. 

Upgrade Considerations 

Organizations who are ready to upgrade to CMS 10.6 and want to take advantage of the new and improved In-Context Editing feature should expect a few, small additional steps during the upgrade process.  

To kick off the upgrade process, Ingeniux will conduct an ICE Audit. In this assessment, we’ll take a close look at your implementation to identify any site development updates that may need to take place prior to upgrading for ICE to be fully functional in 10.6. The results of the assessment will vary for each implementation, since all Ingeniux CMS implementations are unique.  

Ingeniux will then present the results of the assessment, along with suggested next steps. Once the necessary updates are implemented and in place, the customary 4-week UAT process can be scheduled to begin.  

Impact on Users  

Ingeniux In-Context Editing's latest enhancements bring exciting new capabilities, but it's important to note that these additions may require some initial developer and administrator setup before they fully impact users. Proper implementation and configuration are essential to ensure a smooth transition to the improved ICE environment. 

Once ICE is working in the platform, users will find themselves adjusting to a paradigm shift in how they write, edit, and manage content. There may be a learning curve when adjusting to the powerful new visual approach. While the new ICE features empower users with more creative control, they may need training to fully harness the potential of the tool. This training will help them maximize the benefits of the redesigned user interface and the ability to work with component content in innovative ways. 

In summary, Ingeniux In-Context Editing's latest updates promise a more streamlined and user-friendly experience, but users and administrators should be prepared for an initial setup phase and potentially some training to adapt to the enhanced capabilities. 

More Information and Resources 

For more in-depth information on this topic, check out some of the resources below. 

10.6 Release Information  

Product Documentation  

  • ICE Basics: Follow this step-by-step documentation to learn more about the process of implementing, using, and configuring In-Context Editing. 


Training Courses

  • RELEASE: 10.6
  • Published: January 9, 2024
  • LAST UPDATED: January 14, 2024
  • Comments: 0

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