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Ingeniux Article: Working With Custom Hooks

Working With Custom Hooks in Ingeniux CMS

Custom hooks have the potential to enhance and streamline daily processes in the CMS and facilitate user productivity. In this series, we take a look at how custom hooks can be used in the Ingeniux...

Ingeniux Article: Effective Reporting

Creating an Effective CMS Reporting Strategy

In Ingeniux CMS, you can run reports on all of your content items and major system operations. In this article, we'll explore the different types of reports you can run in the CMS, as well as best...

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65 results filtered by:


ETL Tool

March 9, 2021

The ETL tool imports CSV, JSON, and XML data into Ingeniux CMS. Learn more about this process and how to use this tool in this article.


Memory Tuning for CMS and ContentStore Application Pools

November 13, 2019

How to set the CMS and ContentStore application pools to reduce their memory footprints.


Shutdown Time Limit for Content Store App Pool

October 7, 2019

How to increase the Shutdown Time Limit for the application pool of your CMS content store.


Configuring Cartella as a Service Provider

March 11, 2019

This article demonstrates how to configure Cartella as a Service Provider by setting up saml.config.


Manually Convert Storage Type from Esent to Voron

May 24, 2018

This knowledge base article provides step-by-step instructions on how to convert a CMS 10 storage type from Esent to Voron.


Index Component Content via Setting in Search.config

February 12, 2018

As of InSite Search 2.8.x, you can set IncludeComponentContentInPage to true within an add tag in Search.config to index content within components.


How to Generate a Sitemap

October 3, 2017

Use the following article to generate Sitemap Protocol XML


Configuring Index Rebuild Settings During Development

June 26, 2017

Configuring your CMS site to rebuild indexes during site development.


Configuring Queries Based on Specific Fields in InSite Search

June 1, 2017

InSite Search 2.6.12 and above now has the ability to force all queries to run against a list of defined fields.


Configuring an Inclusive List of Fields for Matching Fragment Results in ISS

June 1, 2017

InSite Search 2.6.12 and above supports an inclusive list of fields that specifies the order of returned fields within the results set.