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Ingeniux Article: Working With Custom Hooks

Working With Custom Hooks in Ingeniux CMS

Custom hooks have the potential to enhance and streamline daily processes in the CMS and facilitate user productivity. In this series, we take a look at how custom hooks can be used in the Ingeniux...

Ingeniux Article: Effective Reporting

Creating an Effective CMS Reporting Strategy

In Ingeniux CMS, you can run reports on all of your content items and major system operations. In this article, we'll explore the different types of reports you can run in the CMS, as well as best...

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109 results filtered by:


Upgrade an MVC Site to CMS 8.0 DSS

August 30, 2012

CMS 8.0 features a new run-time server, the Dynamic Site Server (DSS). This article describes how to convert a CMS 7.5 MVC site running on the previous Run-Time server to a CMS 8.0 MVC site running...


CMS Upgrade Instructions

December 29, 2011

A step-by-step guide on how to upgrade your CMS.


Globally Export Elements and Attributes

October 19, 2011

In CMS V7.5, users can globally export elements and attributes.


Delete Users From Cartella

May 16, 2011

How to delete users from Cartella.


Permanently Remove Users From Cartella

May 16, 2011

Deleted users are not removed from the Cartella database. To permanently remove deleted users, you must purge them.


Manually Add Users to the CMS

May 9, 2011

Manually add users to the CMS by modifying the users.xml file.


Change Default Paste Option in TinyMCE

April 20, 2011

Edit the TinyMCE config file to allow a user defined set of markup tags.


Set Up Email Notifications During Workflow Changes

April 6, 2011

Edit the TinyMCE config file to allow a user defined set of markup tags.


Edit TinyMCE Valid Tags

March 18, 2011

Edit the TinyMCE config file to allow a user defined set of markup tags.


Exclude Images, Documents, Media, and PreBuilt Directories from Publish

July 20, 2010

How to excluding Images, Documents, Media, and PreBuilt directories from publish | Provides steps recommended to cut down on overall publish time.