Syncing to Salesforce

Prerequisites: Be sure to configure the attribute values in <UserGroupSynchronizers> before proceeding to the steps below.

The following describes how to set the Salesforce synchronizer. Syncing to Salesforce imports customer data that is then used to populate groups in Cartella. All of the contacts for a given company are converted to Cartella users and associated with the appropriate customer group.

In the example above, the @storeKey node is commented out. You can use the @storeKey node to create custom fields to complement the <UserMappings> values.

To set up the Salesforce synchronizer:
  1. Navigate to [Site_Root].
  2. Open Cartella.config in a text editor.
  3. Within <UserGroupSynchronizers>, locate the <add> element named SalesForce :
    <add name="SalesForce" authenticator="Cartella.Authenticators.SalesForceUserSyncer">  
        <QueryInfo addSeat="true">     
            <add name="sf_username" value="sfLogin" />      
            <add name="sf_password" value="sfPassword" />      
            <add name="sf_token" value="sfToken" />       
        <GroupMappings groupFormatString="SalesForce-{0}" />   
            EmailKey="Email" externalIdKey="Id" 
            <!--<add storeKey="salesForceFieldKey" cartellaKey="customFieldKey"/>-->      
  4. Within the <QueryInfo> tag set, provide the Salesforce group username, password, and token values in their respective <add> nodes.
    The <QueryInfo> element contains data used by the synchronizer to connect to the user store and collect information.
    Syncing a Salesforce account with Cartella requires a Salesforce login, password, and token. These values have to be obtained from Salesforce.
    Once Salesforce authenticates the credentials you've provided, each key value within <UserMappings> is populated with the imported Salesforce user information.
  5. Within <GroupMappings>, provide the name of the Cartella group that will contain the imported Salesforce user information.
  6. In the example above, the <add> node named storeKey is commented out. You can uncomment this <add> element to create custom fields to complement the other <UserMappings> values.
  7. Save Cartella.config.