Localizing Taxonomy


Users with permissions can configure the same category to multiple languages. Localizing taxonomy may benefit users who speak different languages.

For example, if your organization has a British firm in Germany, your users may speak English, German, or both. If users change the CMS interface's language to German, or translate a page to German, they may experience confusion if the taxonomy categories only display in English. You can translate categories to both languages.

Users can identify any language as the original category language. For example, users can create a category with German as the source language and translate the category to English as the secondary language. See Creating Taxonomy Categories for details.
To localize a taxonomy category:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Taxonomy.
  2. Enter and select the language you want in the Language field.
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6
    You can alternatively select the drop-down arrow to view a list of available languages in the Language field.
    If a language is unavailable in the Language field, administrators with permissions can modify Available languages for page language settings in WorldView Configuration.

    Select Language

  3. Select the taxonomy category to translate.
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6 vs CMS 10.0–10.5

    If the category is not localized for the current language, an exclamation point (!) displays next to the category in the Taxonomy Tree in CMS 10.6 and CMS 10.0–10.5.

    In CMS 10.6, an exclamation point with a circle (i.e., red) indicates the category is not localized. An exclamation point without a circle (i.e., yellow) indicates that updates were saved to the category in its original language since the localized category was last updated.

    Localization Icons

  4. Enter the localized category name in the Title field.
    The category name displays in its original language directly above the Title field.

    Category Localization

  5. Optional: Complete the fields to best suit your localization needs. Use the following topics to configure each tab:
    Additional Information

    Fields of the multi-lingual taxonomy category contain the same or exclusive values per language. For example, if you change the Description value for the category in English, then the value remains blank for the same category in Spanish. If you change the External ID for the category in English, the category shares the same value in Spanish.

    Use the following table to identify which fields contain shared and exclusive values per language.

    Tab: FieldSharedExclusive
    Category: Name
    Category: Description
    Category: Type Name
    Category: External ID

    Example of the same category in US English:

    Sample Taxonomy Category in English

  6. Click Save in the Category tab to confirm your changes.
    The exclamation point disappears, and the new localization changes value save.

    Localize Taxonomy Category