Email Notification Templates

The emailNotifications folder contains language and locale-specific workflow notification templates that developers can configure to suit their needs. Ingeniux CMS inserts the template in the body of the workflow notification email.

To configure a workflow notification message:

  1. Navigate to [path-to-cms-site-instance]\site\App_Data\xml\Custom\emailNotifications and select the desired language and locale-specific folder.

    For example, to configure the message for English-speaking recipients in the U.S., select the en-us folder.

  2. Open the workflowNotifications.xml file in a text editor.

    Alternatively, edit this file in Visual Studio. Navigate to [path-to-cms-site-instance]\site\App_Data\xml\Custom and open Ingeniux_Extensions_Development.sln. Select the API_Extensions_Development_Harness project in Solution Explorer and navigate to emailNotifications\[name-of-language-and-locale-specific-folder]\workflowNotifications.xml.

  3. Edit the text and variables in the file to best suit your organization's workflow.

    Keep in mind the default file format differs, depending on your CMS version. See the default format associated with your version.

    Version Notes: CMS 10.6
    CMS 10.6 default workflowNotifications.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    	<Subject>%siteName% - %workflowName% Notification - %pageName% - %pageId%</Subject>
    		<p><strong>Workflow Notification</strong></p>
    		<p><em><a href="mailto:%workingUserEmail%">%workingUserName%</a> </em>advanced the item <em><a href="%siteUrl%/#/site/%pageId%">%pageName% (%pageId%)</a> </em>through the "<em>%transitionName%</em>" transition in the "<em>%workflowName%</em>" workflow, and assigned it to <em><a href="mailto:%nextUserEmail%">%nextUserName%</a></em></p>
    		<p> </p>
    		<p><strong>Comments from Assigning User:</strong>
    		<br /><em>%comments%</em></p>
    		<p> </p>
    		<p><strong>View Item:</strong><br/><a href="%siteUrl%?ID=%pageId%">%siteUrl%?ID=%pageId%</a></p>
    Version Notes: CMS 10.0–10.5
    CMS 10.0–10.5 default workflowNotifications.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Subject>%siteName% - %workflowName% Notification - %pageName% - %pageId%</Subject>
        <p><strong>Workflow Notification</strong></p>
        <p><em><a href="mailto:%workingUserEmail%">%workingUserName%</a> </em>advanced the item <em><a href="%siteUrl%/#/site/%pageId%">%pageName% 
        (%pageId%)</a> </em>through the "<em>%transitionName%</em>" transition in the "<em>%workflowName%</em>" workflow, and assigned it to <em><a 
        <p><strong>Comments from Assigning User:</strong>
        <br /><em>%comments%</em></p>
        <p><strong>View Item:</strong><br/><a href="%siteUrl%/#/site/%pageId%">%siteUrl%/#/site/%pageId%</a></p>
  4. Save changes to workflowNotifications.xml.

    When a content item advances in workflow, the CMS inserts your updated notification in the body of the email message and sends the message to the next user or group in the workflow. Example default message:

    Workflow Notification Message in Email

Next Steps:

If you upgrade your site, the default workflow notification template file overwrites the existing workflowNotifications.xml. To maintain file configurations, restore your customized template after upgrading Ingeniux CMS.