Creating and Sending Newsletters

Creating Newsletters

To create a newsletter:
  1. After setting up the Newsletters Module, click the Create a Newsletter button.
  2. This takes you to the Create Newsletter tab and the newsletter edit form. Complete the fields on this form: name, newsletter type, start date, end date, sender email, and test email. The Test Email field is important: you should test the newsletter first before sending it to all recipients.

    Create Newsletter

  3. Click Create New Newsletter. A dialog asks whether you want to edit this newsletter right away:

    Edit It Now

    Clicking Edit Now takes you to the newsletters edit form. Clicking Edit Later displays the newly created newsletter on the Newsletters tab.

    Newsletters New

Sending Newsletters

To send a newsletter:
  1. On the Newsletters tab, select the newsletter you want to send. Click Process.

    Send Newsletter

  2. The Send Newsletter dialog opens. It contains the following options:
    1. Test: Sends a test email to the address specified in the Test Email field.
    2. Send to Selected: Sends the newsletter to only the selected recipients.
    3. Send to All: Sends the newsletter to all recipients.
    4. Cancel: Cancels sending the newsletter.
    5. Manage Recipients: Configure who receives the newsletter.
  3. After selecting the newsletter's recipients and sending the newsletter, a progress bar displays how many newsletters are sent.