Bootstrap is an
open-source framework that enables you to create responsive websites. The current
Ingeniux DSS uses Bootstrap 2. If you have not upgraded to Bootstrap 4, the following
set of steps leads you through the process.
To update Bootstrap in your DSS installation:
- Download the package for Bootstrap
v4.x.x from the Compiled CSS and JS section of the
Bootstrap site.
- Unpack its contents to the DSS installation root folder, retaining the same folder
structure as the bootstrap installation.

- Open [dss-root]\App_Start\BundleConfig.cs in a text/code editor.
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Optimization;
namespace Ingeniux.Runtime
public class BundleConfig
// For more information on Bundling, visit
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
//pre-defined bundles to use for bootstrap 3 based responsive designs
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Bootstrap3").Include("~/bootstrap-4.3.1-dist/css/bootstrap.css"));
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/PageBuilder").Include(
- Edit the BundleConfig.cs file's Include path to reference the
Bootstrap update:
Retain the StyleBundle value as shown above (i.e.,
Ensure that the above path reflects the version of the
distribution that you have downloaded.
- Save changes to your solution file (*.sln) and rebuild the project.
- Clear your browser's client cache.
- Reload your CMS and check your PageBuilder pages.
Next Steps:
For those implementations that 1) use Bootstrap in views and 2)
reference css\styles from outside of the base \bootstrap3 folder, copy
the \bootstrap-4.3.1-dist\css\bootstrap.css into your MCV folder structure.
Many legacy MVC implementations contain views that reference bootstrap.css in
\content\css\. Copy the new \bootstrap-4.x.x-dist\css\bootstrap.css to
\content\css\, thereby overwriting the existing bootstrap.css
A quick test after you have updated Bootstrap in your DSS project is to create a
PageBuilder page that has a multi-column layout that contains multiple rows. Check that
the Design tab of the page rearranges the rows responsively as
you resize the CMS window, horizontally. Ensure that the Zoom preview when
resize option is unchecked.