Using Taxonomy Search


See Taxonomy Prerequisites for details.

Depending on your organization's needs, the Taxonomy Tree can have multiple embedded parent-child structures. For deeply embedded classification structures within Taxonomy Manager, users can search for categories or associated synonyms rather than scanning the Taxonomy Tree.

To use Taxonomy search:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Taxonomy.
  2. Enter the category title or synonym in the Search field.
    As you enter the term, possible matches display.

    Taxonomy Search

  3. Select the appropriate category from the search results list.
    Additional Information

    The Language field value determines whether the category or its localized version displays.

    For example, if you select Products instead of its localized Spanish version, Productos, in the Search field, and the Language field displays español - Spanish [es], then Productos displays in the Taxonomy Tree and the Categorize tab. To display Products, ensure the Language field displays English (United States) [en-us].

    See Localizing Taxonomy for details about multi-lingual categories.

    The category displays as selected in the Taxonomy Tree.