Uploading MVC Views as Managed Assets
In Ingeniux CMS 10.x, MVC views can be stored, modified, and published to the DSS within the Assets Tree. Modifying views in the CMS doesn't require DSS server or full DSS project access.
The DSS checks for view assets in the Assets Tree first. If the MVC views exist in your Assets Tree and on your hard disk, view assets within Ingeniux CMS override views on the hard disk. Ensure that your administrator conveys which built-in views have been imported to assets manager. Developers can edit these built-in views as managed assets.
On disk:
In the Assets Tree:
To edit MVC views in the Assets Tree, see Editing Text-Based Assets. To publish MVC views, see Publishing Assets.
Presentation Content Unit Built-In Views
The content unit and the content unit view exist separately based on fields in Administration > Presentation Content Units. In other words, the view associates with all content units that share the same field value.
For field content units, the view associates with the Tag Name value.
For component content units, the view associates with the Field Name value.
For example, if the Tag Name or Field Name is ContactUs, the view saves as ContactUs.cshtml in the Assets Tree.
See Content Unit Views for details.
This section includes: