Reverting to a Previous Version of a Page

During the content-editing process, there may be times when an author or editor would like to reinstate a previous version of a page. With the rollback feature, this is possible as long as the user has sufficient permissions.

Each time a page is modified and checked in, the CMS creates a new version of the page. In a typical workflow scenario, a page is checked in each time it's advanced in workflow. Thus, the rollback feature can be used to undo changes from a previous workstate.

Rolling Back a Page

Rollback will undo any changes to the previously checked-in version of a page.

To roll back changes:

  1. Display the edit form for the desired page. Ensure that the page is assigned to you and ready for changes to be made.
  2. Right-click the page in the site tree and select Rollback.

  3. Click OK to confirm.

Using the History Tab

While rollback undoes the last checked-in version of the page, the History tab provides a list of all earlier versions of the page. Using this list, you can review and reinstate different versions of a page.

Note: Values are referenced for components dynamically, so they will not be tracked within versioning.

To revert to an earlier version:

  1. Ensure the desired page is assigned to you and ready for changes to be made.
  2. Select the History tab.
  3. Select the desired version from the list.
  4. Verify that this version displays in the lower portion of the tab.
  5. Click Revert to selected version.