Command Line Options for Silent Install

As of CMS 10.2+, the CMS site setup executable supports full installation/upgrade of a CMS via administrative command line or PowerShell.

Powershell examples include:

  • Example PowerShell to upgrade an existing CMS site virtual directory, which assumes you are in the directory where the wizard executable is located:
    Start-Process ".\Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe" -ArgumentList "upgrade --iis-path ""Default Web Site/myCMS"" --name myCMS"
  • Example PowerShell for a new site setup via export, which assumes you are in the directory where the wizard executable is located:
    Start-Process .\Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe -ArgumentList "setup -e C:\_tempStuff\CM -b 4096 -d c:\igxsites\cms102\xxxxxxxx -u xxxxx -p xxxxxxxx -n xxxxxx
    2b8 --host-name xxxxxx"

Administrators can also install the product via command line by using a customized installation executable.

To install the product via a command-line interface (CLI) , view the expected parameters by running Setup.exe --help:

Setup.exe --help

  -c, --company Required. Company Name.

  -l, --license Required. License.

  -d, --directory Required. Install Directory.

  --help             Display this help screen.

  --version          Display version information.

Press ENTER to continue.

Example PowerShell for installing the product, which assumes you are in the directory where the CLI executable is located:

Start-Process .\Setup.exe -ArgumentList "-c Ingeniux -l XXXXXX-000000-XXXXXX-000000 -d C:\Ingeniux\CMS10.2"

After the product is installed, you can then run the CMS Site Wizard via command line as well. You can view the command line flags by running Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe --help.

Command Line Flags for CMS 10.2-10.3 and CMS 10.5 Versions

CMS 10.5 provides CLI installer updates that support new options.

View the command line flags that correspond with your site version.

CMS 10.2-10.3 Command Line Flags

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe --help

  setup      Initialize and setup a new instance of the Ingeniux CMS.

  upgrade    Upgrade an installed instance of the Ingeniux CMS.

  migrate    Migrate v8 CMS content into a new instance of the Ingeniux CMS.

  replace    Replace the content of an Ingeniux CMS instance with the content of an Ingeniux CMS Export package.

  help       Display more information on a specific command.

  version    Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe setup --help

  -e, --export             Path to an Ingeniux Site Export zip.

  -b, --batchsize          (Default: 1024) Batch size for DB import (Default: 1024).

  -d, --directory          Required. Directory of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  -f, --format             (Default: voron) Database data format (Default: 'Voron').

  -u, --username           (Default: admin) Username that will be used for the initial admin user.

  -p, --password           (Default: admin) Password for the initial admin user.

  --membership-provider    (Default: igx) Membership provider for the new CMS instance ('igx' or 'domain', Default: 'igx').

  -t, --type               (Default: site) Setup IIS application type ('VDir' or 'Site', Default: 'Site').

  --parent-site            (Default: Default Web Site) IIS Site to create the CMS under if configured as a virtual directory.

  --app-name               Name for the IIS application, will default to --name.

  --ip                     IP address for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --port                   (Default: 80) Port for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --host-name              Host name for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --domain                 (Default: ingeniux) Domain for the desired membership provider.

  --smtp-domain            (Default: SMTP domain to be used for CMS emails.

  -n, --name               Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss            (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --help                   Display this help screen.

  --version                Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe upgrade --help

  --backup         (Default: true) Backup the RavenDB database before performing installer actions.

  --iis-path       Required. IIS application path for the target site. (This is the actual site path as it appears in IIS e.g. "mysite", "Default Web Site/mysite". If there are spaces in the path, encapsulate the value in double-quotes)

  -n, --name       Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site. (Name of the site itself in IIS)

  --rebuild-dss    (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe migrate --help

  -x, --xml-path           Required. File path to the v8 XML directory.

  --dss-path               File path to the v8 DSS Preview directory.

  -e, --export             Path to an Ingeniux Site Export zip.

  -b, --batchsize          (Default: 1024) Batch size for DB import (Default: 1024).

  -d, --directory          Required. Directory of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  -f, --format             (Default: voron) Database data format (Default: 'Voron').

  -u, --username           (Default: admin) Username that will be used for the initial admin user.

  -p, --password           (Default: admin) Password for the initial admin user.

  --membership-provider    (Default: igx) Membership provider for the new CMS instance ('igx' or 'domain', Default: 'igx').

  -t, --type               (Default: site) Setup IIS application type ('VDir' or 'Site', Default: 'Site').

  --parent-site            (Default: Default Web Site) IIS Site to create the CMS under if configured as a virtual directory.

  --app-name               Name for the IIS application, will default to --name.

  --ip                     IP address for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --port                   (Default: 80) Port for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --host-name              Host name for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --domain                 (Default: ingeniux) Domain for the desired membership provider.

  --smtp-domain            (Default: SMTP domain to be used for CMS emails.

  -n, --name               Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss            (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --help                   Display this help screen.

  --version                Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe replace --help

  -e, --export       Path to an Ingeniux Site Export zip.

  -b, --batchsize    (Default: 1024) Batch size for DB import (Default: 1024).

  -u, --username     (Default: admin) Username that will be used for the initial admin user.

  -p, --password     (Default: admin) Password for the initial admin user.

  --backup           (Default: true) Backup the RavenDB database before performing installer actions.

  --iis-path         Required. IIS application path for the target site.

  -n, --name         Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss      (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --help             Display this help screen.

  --version          Display version information.

CMS 10.5 Command Line Flags

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe --help

  setup      Initialize and setup a new instance of the Ingeniux CMS.

  upgrade    Upgrade an installed instance of the Ingeniux CMS.

  migrate    Migrate v8 CMS content into a new instance of the Ingeniux CMS.

  replace    Replace the content of an Ingeniux CMS instance with the content of an Ingeniux CMS Export package.

  help       Display more information on a specific command.

  version    Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe setup --help

  -e, --export              Path to an Ingeniux Site Export zip.

  -b, --batchsize           (Default: 1024) Batch size for DB import (Default: 1024).

  -d, --directory           Required. Directory of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  -u, --username            (Default: admin) Username that will be used for the initial admin user.

  -p, --password            (Default: admin) Password for the initial admin user.

  --membership-provider     (Default: igx) Membership provider for the new CMS instance ('igx' or 'domain', Default:

  -t, --type                (Default: site) Setup IIS application type ('VDir' or 'Site', Default: 'Site').

  --parent-site             (Default: Default Web Site) IIS Site to create the CMS under if configured as a virtual
                            directory (Default: 'Default Web Site').

  --app-name                Name for the IIS application, will default to --name.

  --ip                      (Default: IP address for the CMS if configured as a site (Default: '').

  --port                    (Default: 80) Port for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --host-name               Host name for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --domain                  (Default: ingeniux) Domain for the desired membership provider.

  --smtp-domain             (Default: SMTP domain to be used for CMS emails.

  -n, --name                Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss             (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --dss-projects            (Default: *) DSS Project (csproj) file names to rebuild. '*' for all.

  --raven-url               URL for external RavenDB 4.x. This will override local setup.

  --raven-port              (Default: *) Port for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup.

  --raven-host-name         Host name for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup. If left empty it will assume the CMS
                            application name.

  --certificate-type        (Default: selfSigned) Type of x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.
                            ('SelfSigned' or 'CertPath', Default: 'SelfSigned')

  --certificate-path        Absolute file path of the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --certificate-password    Password for the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --help                    Display this help screen.

  --version                 Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe upgrade --help

  --backup                  (Default: true) Backup the RavenDB database before performing installer actions.

  --iis-path                Required. IIS application path for the target site.

  -n, --name                Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss             (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --dss-projects            (Default: *) DSS Project (csproj) file names to rebuild. '*' for all.

  --raven-url               URL for external RavenDB 4.x. This will override local setup.

  --raven-port              (Default: *) Port for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup.

  --raven-host-name         Host name for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup. If left empty it will assume the CMS
                            application name.

  --certificate-type        (Default: selfSigned) Type of x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.
                            ('SelfSigned' or 'CertPath', Default: 'SelfSigned')

  --certificate-path        Absolute file path of the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --certificate-password    Password for the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --help                    Display this help screen.

  --version                 Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe migrate --help

  -x, --xml-path            Required. File path to the v8 XML directory.

  --dss-path                File path to the v8 DSS Preview directory.

  -e, --export              Path to an Ingeniux Site Export zip.

  -b, --batchsize           (Default: 1024) Batch size for DB import (Default: 1024).

  -d, --directory           Required. Directory of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  -u, --username            (Default: admin) Username that will be used for the initial admin user.

  -p, --password            (Default: admin) Password for the initial admin user.

  --membership-provider     (Default: igx) Membership provider for the new CMS instance ('igx' or 'domain', Default:

  -t, --type                (Default: site) Setup IIS application type ('VDir' or 'Site', Default: 'Site').

  --parent-site             (Default: Default Web Site) IIS Site to create the CMS under if configured as a virtual
                            directory (Default: 'Default Web Site').

  --app-name                Name for the IIS application, will default to --name.

  --ip                      (Default: IP address for the CMS if configured as a site (Default: '').

  --port                    (Default: 80) Port for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --host-name               Host name for the CMS if configured as a site.

  --domain                  (Default: ingeniux) Domain for the desired membership provider.

  --smtp-domain             (Default: SMTP domain to be used for CMS emails.

  -n, --name                Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss             (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --dss-projects            (Default: *) DSS Project (csproj) file names to rebuild. '*' for all.

  --raven-url               URL for external RavenDB 4.x. This will override local setup.

  --raven-port              (Default: *) Port for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup.

  --raven-host-name         Host name for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup. If left empty it will assume the CMS
                            application name.

  --certificate-type        (Default: selfSigned) Type of x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.
                            ('SelfSigned' or 'CertPath', Default: 'SelfSigned')

  --certificate-path        Absolute file path of the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --certificate-password    Password for the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --help                    Display this help screen.

  --version                 Display version information.

Ingeniux_CMS_Site_Wizard.exe replace --help

  -e, --export              Required. Path to an Ingeniux Site Export zip.

  -b, --batchsize           (Default: 1024) Batch size for DB import (Default: 1024).

  -u, --username            (Default: admin) Username that will be used for the initial admin user.

  -p, --password            (Default: admin) Password for the initial admin user.

  --backup                  (Default: true) Backup the RavenDB database before performing installer actions.

  --iis-path                Required. IIS application path for the target site.

  -n, --name                Required. Name of the Ingeniux CMS Site.

  --rebuild-dss             (Default: true) Rebuild the DSS Preview as part of the wizard.

  --dss-projects            (Default: *) DSS Project (csproj) file names to rebuild. '*' for all.

  --raven-url               URL for external RavenDB 4.x. This will override local setup.

  --raven-port              (Default: *) Port for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup.

  --raven-host-name         Host name for local RavenDB 4.x dotnet core setup. If left empty it will assume the CMS
                            application name.

  --certificate-type        (Default: selfSigned) Type of x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.
                            ('SelfSigned' or 'CertPath', Default: 'SelfSigned')

  --certificate-path        Absolute file path of the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --certificate-password    Password for the x509 certificate to use for the RavenDB 4.x server.

  --help                    Display this help screen.

  --version                 Display version information.
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