DITA and Site Migrator

Use Site Migrator to migrate packaged DITA content between CMS environments. This feature packs CMS DITA collections, maintaining all dependency linking between the DITA assets within the package. Administrators can then import this package to the target CMS.

Access Site Migrator in Apps > Site Migrator.

Package (Pack) DITA Content

Pack DITA asset content into packages with Site Migrator. Similar to assets referenced in XHTML elements, Site Migrator packages and accounts for asset ID references in DITA content. This package preserves hierarchical DITA dependency relationships, metadata, schemas, structured URLS, and taxonomy.

Site Migrator excludes DITA aliases when packaging DITA assets. The system only packages pages, components, site folders, asset items, and asset folders.

See Packaging Sites for Migration for details to package CMS assets.

Import (Unpack) DITA Content

Import (unpack) DITA asset content packages from one CMS environment to the other. When administrators import the package to the target CMS Assets Manager, the system updates the DITA asset content with new asset IDs while maintaining ID references. Site Migrator remaps these referenced asset IDs contained within DITA assets to preserve the dependency relationships.

Site Migrator runs conflict detection for DITA assets. The system uses this same content detection for XHTML asset references to existing asset IDs.

See Expanding Site Packages for details to import CMS assets.