Assets Tree

The Assets Tree shows a hierarchical view of the files and folders that you have created in your site. From the tree, you can create content, reorganize content, manage deleted content, and manage the publishing of content.

You are not limited to a stock set of root folders. In Ingeniux CMS 10.x, you can name asset folders anything you want.

Assets Tree

A key difference between the Assets Tree and the Site Tree is that objects in the Assets Tree are sorted, alphabetically. In this way, the Assets Tree is like the Taxonomy Tree in that custom ordering is not allowed.

Display Controls

Options at the top of the Assets Tree control the display of the tree.

Display Controls

The first icon, Toggle Region Root Marking, displays and hides the icons in the tree that indicate the region roots for language-specific content.

The second option, Toggle Unmanaged Asset Items, displays and hides unmanaged assets in the tree.

The drop-down menu lists publishing targets. When a publishing target is selected, items that are marked for that publishing target in the Assets Tree are displayed as bold.

Context Menu

The context menu provides options for each Asset Tree item.

To access the context menu:

  • Right click an item in the Assets Tree to bring up the context menu. The menu displays a list of actions for the item.

Assets Tree Context Menu

The options in the menu follow:

  • New: Creates of a folder or asset as a child of the clicked folder.
    This option doesn't display in the menu when the clicked item is anything other than a folder.

    Context Menu: New Folder

  • Rename: Changes the name of the item through a pop-up dialog.
  • Refresh: Reloads the tree to see if things have changed since it was loaded.
  • Cut: Prepares the item to be removed from the current location and pasted in another location. Nothing happens if the item isn't pasted.
  • Copy: Prepares a copy of the item to be pasted. Nothing happens if the item isn't pasted.
  • Paste: Places the cut or copied item at the clicked location.
  • Delete: Sends the clicked item to the Recycle Folder.
  • Assign To: Changes the assignment of the item to you, another user, or another group.

    Context Menu: Assign To...

  • Add to Workflow: Opens the workflow dialog for the item.
    If the item is a folder, then this option doesn't display.
  • Show History: Opens the Workflow History dialog, which shows the list of transitions the item has undergone.
    If the item is a folder, then this option doesn't display.
  • Check Out: Creates a temporary version of the item and assigns it to you.
  • Check In: Creates a new version of the item out of the temporary, checked-out version.
  • Undo Check Out: Deletes the temporary, checked out version of the item and returns it to the last checked-in version.

    Context Menu: Undo Check Out

  • Rollback: Replaces the content of the item with the content available in the last checked-in version.
  • Mark/Unmark Descendant Assets for Publish: Brings up the Mark/Unmark assets in the Publish dialog, which allows you to change the publishing status for the items contained in the selected folder.
    This works on all items inside of the folder at once.

    Context Menu: Mark / Unmark Assets

  • Properties: Brings up the Asset Item Properties dialog for setting Administrative properties on the item.

    Asset Item Properties

  • Download: Downloads the asset to your machine. A message displays to confirm your download.
  • Unmanage: Unmanages the asset. The unmanaged asset dims. A message displays to confirm unmanaging the asset.
    Unmanaging a managed asset removes all versioning. Re-managing these unmanaged assets doesn't restore their version history. Unmanaging an asset removes the record of its Asset ID along with its asset relationships. If you restore (re-manage) unmanaged assets, these assets receive new Asset IDs. Unmanaged assets remain in Ingeniux CMS until you permanently delete them in the Recycle Folder. See Unmanaged Assets for details.
    If the Manage/Unmanage option is not in the context menu, administrators activate this option in Administration > System Options > CMS > Assets Tree Context Menu.

There are a few differences in the menu for an asset. For instance, you cannot create a new item nested under an asset. Only folders can contain children. Also, the Mark/Unmark for Publish option limits you to changing the publishing status for the selected item - not the descendants.

Recycle Folder

In previous versions of the CMS, deleting an asset was permanent. Once deleted, you would need to upload the asset again to recover it. Ingeniux CMS 10.x provides a recycle folder for assets, so you have a second chance to recover the item before it is removed from the CMS.

Context Menu: Recycle Folder

This is even more important now that assets are tracked by their ID rather than their file location, as in previous versions. If you recover an item, any pages or components that link to the item can be updated no matter where the item lives in the asset system.