Adding Elements to Schemas

Prerequisites: See Schema Designer Prerequisites for details.

Use elements in schemas to display content on associated pages, components or assets.

To add elements to a schema:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Schema Designer.
  2. Select the schema from the appropriate tab in the Management view.

    Edit Schema

  3. Click Edit in the Actions menu. The Create/Edit view displays.
  4. Drag the element from the Fields tab to the Elements tab. Use Ctrl+Click to drag multiple elements.

    Drag Element

  5. Click the element to expand fields.

    Expand and Edit Element

  6. Select or clear the following options:
    HiddenIf selected, the element is obscured from groups that lack permission to view hidden elements.
    Read OnlyIf selected, the element is visible and inaccessible to groups that lack permission to modify read-only elements.
    RequiredIf selected, associated items cannot be checked in without entering an element value.
    IndexableIf selected, the element can be added to the index.
  7. Enter field values. Each element (except the Group End element) contains the following fields:
    Field Label (optional)The element's friendly name.
    Tag NameThe element's name as it displays in the schema.
    Help Text (optional)Administrator-entered instructions for how to complete an element. Help text displays when users mouse over the question mark icon.
    After administrators add or modify help text, users must refresh their CMS clients before the new help text displays.
    Additional Information
    Elements available for page and component schema types differ from asset schema types. Each element contains respective fields. See Page and Component Schema Type Elements or Attribute Schema Type Elements for details.
    An asterisk (*) in the Elements tab indicates unsaved changes.
  8. Click Save in the Schema Actions menu when finished. The Save Schema dialog displays.

    Save Schema Dialog

  9. Choose one of the following steps:
    • Click Save Draft. Schema Designer saves the schema as a draft.
      If you save the schema as a draft, element edits don't apply to new pages, components, or assets associated with schema. Save the draft as a new version to apply element edits.
    • Click Save new version. Schema Designer saves the schema as a new version.
      To display the new schema elements in existing associated instances, see Syncing Schemas for details.