Website Analytics

Prerequisites: If you will be using Google Analytics, sign up for a Google account, which hosts the Google Analytics integration.

Version Notes: CMS 10.6
Prior to Ingeniux CMS 10.6, users accessed enabled Analytics instances as a custom application through the Analytics tab. In CMS 10.6+, administrators access enabled Analytics instances in Administration > Analytics.

Website analytics helps you monitor the performance of your website by gathering valuable site-wide and page-by-page visitor statistics. You can access a page analysis report that delivers valuable information about that page, such as number of visits and points of entry. Analytics helps you understand where your website traffic is coming from, which pages on the site are most popular, and what changes need to be made to enhance the site.

The term analytics is used in various ways within the Ingeniux CMS UI and in the documentation, so some definitions are in order.
  • Website Analytics (e.g., Google Analytics) is the focus of this topic.
  • Microsoft's Analytics is a query tool within Application Insights, which is a service used by developers to monitor the DSS website for performance anomalies. Application Insights offers code-level telemetry.
  • InSite Search Analytics is a type of search configuration within Ingeniux CMS that helps to track users' search activity.

Google Analytics is the data provider for most Ingeniux customers. The Analytics app combines Ingeniux CMS collaboration capabilities with Google innovation, creating a powerful tool to optimize any organization's web-based marketing efforts.

To configure Google Analytics:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Analytics tab.
  2. Choose one of the following steps:
    • If you have not configured Analytics, the No Data Available message displays. See Analytics Settings for steps to enable Analytics.

      No Data Available Message

    • If you have already enabled Analytics, the Google Analytics Setup information displays, so continue to the next step.

      Google Analytics Settings

  3. Click the Generate Device Code button to begin the authorization process.
    A Google dialog opens requesting that you enter the device code that now displays in the Google Analytics Setup dialog.
  4. Enter the device code in the Google dialog and click Next.
    The Google account sign-in dialog displays.
  5. Sign into your Google account.
    At this point,
  6. Click Allow to permit Ingeniux CMS to view Google Analytics data.

    Allow CMS Access

    The Success! Device connected message displays.
  7. Navigate back to the Administration > Analytics tab.
  8. Click Connect Analytics Account.
    The Google Analytics Setup dialog displays.
  9. Select a Google Analytics property from the Property drop-down list.
    If your organization needs to create a Google Analytics property, see Add a new view for details.
    Before saving the selected property, copy the remote access token for your records. It will only display in this dialog once.

    GA4 Properties drop-down list

  10. Click Save Property.

    Save GA4 Property

    The Google Analytics Site Summary displays.

    GA4 Site Summary

  11. See Google Analytics Help for configuration details.
  12. Once you have set your metrics and gathered relevant data, adapt your web content strategy, accordingly.