Creating and Sending Newsletters

Newsletters 9.0 is similar to older versions of the module, but with a more fluid user experience and a more modern design. The processes of creating and sending newsletters should feel familiar.

Creating a new newsletter

  1. Click the Create a Newsletter button.
  2. This takes you to the Create Newsletter tab and the newsletter edit form. Complete the fields on this form: name, newsletter type, start date, end date, sender email, and test email. The Test Email field is important: you should test the newsletter first before sending it to all recipients.

    Create newsletter

  3. Click Create New Newsletter. A dialog asks whether you want to edit this newsletter right away:

    Edit now?

    Clicking Edit Now takes you to the newsletters edit form. Clicking Edit Later displays the newly created newsletter on the Newsletters tab.

    Newsletters new


Sending a newsletter

  1. On the Newsletters tab, select the newsletter you want to send. Click Process.

    Send newsletter

  2. The Send Newsletter dialog opens. It contains the following options: 
    • Test: Sends a test email to the address specified in the Test Email field.
    • Send to Selected: Sends the newsletter to only the selected recipients.
    • Send to All: Sends the newsletter to all recipients.
    • Cancel: Cancels sending the newsletter.
    • Manage Recipients: Configure who receives the newsletter.
  3. After selecting the newsletter's recipients and sending the newsletter, a progress bar displays how many newsletters are sent.