Deleting Groups in Cartella Site Settings

Prerequisites: Users require site administrator permissions to complete this task.
Users require folio administrator+ permissions to the folio to delete folio- and sub-folio specific groups. See Deleting Groups in Folios for details.

Deleting groups permanently removes groups from the Cartella database and cancels all group permissions given to members.
Deleted groups cannot be restored.
To delete groups:
  1. Log in to Cartella.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Groups.
  3. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Click the remove (-) button in the group's table row.

      Delete Group via Table Icon Button

      • Click Delete.

        Delete Group via Table Delete Link

    • Click the group and select Actions > Delete.

      Delete Group via Actions Button

      Click CTRL+Shift to select multiple groups.
    Cartella deletes the group(s).