Configuring Asset Storage Settings

The value of @DefaultAssetStorageLocation determines where assets are stored in the file system; whereas, the value of @FolderSwitchingLimit determines how many files are written to a single folder before a new folder is created. You can change the location of where assets are stored and customize how many files are written to a single subfolder before a new subfolder is created at the default location. The @FolderSwitchingLimit value can affect performance. Lower numbers speed enumeration, while larger numbers reduce the folder count.

To configure asset storage settings:
  1. Navigate to [Site_Root].
  2. Open Cartella.config in a text editor.
  3. Within <AssetSettings>, locate the <add> elements with the @name value of DefaultAssetStorageLocation and the @name value of FolderSwitchingLimit.
        <!--Switch folder when the files within folder reaches this number-->
        <add name="FolderSwitchingLimit" value="100"/>
        <add name="DefaultAssetStorageLocation" value="[Drive]\[Site_Root]\App_Data\Assets"/>
  4. Optional: If you would like to change the location of where assets are stored, provide the path to the new location in the @value field in the <add> element, where the @name value is DefaultAssetStorageLocation.
  5. Optional: If you would like to change the number of assets that are stored in a folder before Cartella makes a new folder, adjust the current number in the @value field in the <add> element, where the @name value is FolderSwitchingLimit. The default value is 100.
    Because each asset is assigned a unique identifier as it is created, having fewer items per folder means that new identifiers can be created faster.
  6. Save Cartella.config.

Next Steps: Recycle the Cartella site application pool in IIS in order for your changes to take effect, immediately.