Migrating Synonym Configuration

If you need to migrate your synonym configurations, review the information that corresponds with your InSite Search version.

InSite Search 2.11–2.14

As of the InSite Search 2.11.x, release synonym configuration no longer takes place in Search.config. Instead, the synonym-related tag set has been relocated to Config\synonyms.xml. This move provides users who have limited read/write access to their DSS the ability to edit synonyms without the need for increased permissions. Also, this move eliminates the need to recycle the application in order to pick up synonym changes.

Keep the following in mind when upgrading to InSite Search 2.11–2.14 and working with synonyms:

  • If you are upgrading to InSite Search 2.11 and above, and there are no synonym entries in Search.config, then the upgrade process creates an "empty" file, Search.config, in the Config folder of the DSS root directory. The Config\Synonyms.xml file is not written to disk until after the first search against your DSS website.
  • If your Search.config contains synonyms in the previous format, and you are upgrading to ISS 2.11:
    • The upgrade process handles the creation of synonyms.xml and its reformatting. The new synonyms.xml file is written to the Config folder when you first load the application after the upgrade.
    • The automatic migration process from Search.config only occurs if Search.config does not exist prior to the upgrade.
  • Version Notes: CMS 10.6
    If you plan to configure synonyms directly from the CMS 10.6 UI InSite Search 2.11–2.14, you will need to change the default location from Config\synonyms.xml to Settings\synonyms.xml.

    If you want to import your synonyms.xml configurations to the CMS InSite Search Configuration > Synonyms UI, see CMS 10.6 Importing Synonyms for details.

Change Location of synonyms.xml

If you want to change the location of synonyms.xml for your InSite Search implementation, you can do so by adding the absolute path of the new synonyms.xml location to @synoynmsLocation in Search.config.

Search.config configuration may differ depending on your CMS version.

See CMS 10.6 Search.Config Reference for details.

See CMS 10.1–10.5 Search.Config Reference for details.