Setting up Multi-Format Output

Prerequisites: See Publishing Prerequisites for details.

The Multi-Format Output (MFO) feature extends the static publishing capabilities of the CMS. A basic static publish only renders HTML files. MFO allows users to publish content with any file extension (e.g., .aspx, .php, .jsp), using an XSLT stylesheet ASP.NET view to determine the structure of the data being published to disk. MFO publishing typically applies to page content, as components in the CMS do not have stylesheets and views applied to them.

If the structured URLs function without DSS software, MFO publishing is compatible with structured URLs for links, navigations, and XHTML content.

If a multi-format (MFO) publish is run on a page where the page name contains a forward slash (/) or backward slash (\), then the MFO publish outputs an incorrect path to the page. Ensure that no page names contain forward or backward slashes before running MFO publishes. See Renaming Pages for details to edit page names.

To configure MFO:
  1. Configure XSLT stylesheets to transform CMS content into valid markup for the targeted server technology.
  2. Configure a publishing target with a URL file extension for each desired file type.
  3. Configure a new user agent and site for each MFO instance.
  4. Apply the user agent and site to the MFO publishing target to associate the file type.