Checking DITA Publishing Output Directory

  • Users must have system administrator permissions.
  • Users must execute the DITA-OT publish transformation process on the DITA collection.

Ensure the DITA output folder resides in the appropriate location within the CMS site directory, and check to see if the output files generate as expected.

If the DITA publish logs indicate the DITA-OT transformation process failed in the Has Errors column, then skip these steps.

To access the DITA publishing output directory:

  1. Navigate to the publish output folder for your publishing target (e.g., [Drive]:[path-to-cms-root-folder]\App_Data\pub\[name-of-publish-folder]) in your CMS site directory.
    See Configuring General Publishing Target Information for details about setting the pub folder for publishing targets.
  2. Choose the step that correlates with the output format types chosen for your DITA publish.
    • For normalized DITA output files, open the folder that shares the name of your DITA root asset folder.
    • For non-normalized DITA output files, open the dita_out/[output-type-name] folder that shares the name of your DITA root asset folder.
  3. Optional: If output files exist and you are unclear about which files were included in the last publish, then check the most recent timestamps. If you are still unclear about the published files, consider deleting the DITA output folders and publishing the DITA collection again.

    By deleting the output folders, you can execute a clean publish and clear output files associated with other publishes.

    If you choose to delete the DITA output folder, proceed with caution. We do not recommend this troubleshooting method on large DITA collections or for content currently published to live sites. Output file deletion may negatively impact other DITA authors' work and lead to errors. Also, the publishing process will take time to rebuild all the files.
  4. Review the folder to see whether the expected files display in the output folder. Note whether the system generated only some output files or generated zero output files.
    Keep this information in mind as you proceed to subsequent troubleshooting sections. Knowing which files the system did not generate will help you to pinpoint the DITA publishing conflict.

Next Steps:

After noting DITA output generation results, return to the appropriate troubleshooting topic to continue diagnosing your issue.