CMS 10.6 Copying Taxonomy Categories

  • CMS 10.6 must be installed. See CMS Statistics for details to check your version.

Users can duplicate categories by copying and pasting them within the Taxonomy Tree. When users create duplicates, the system copies over the category information, content item associations, security settings, and synonyms. The system also assigns a new category ID to each duplicate.


Users can choose to copy individual categories or to copy categories with their child categories.

To copy a category:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Taxonomy.
  2. Right-click the category you want to move, and select Copy in the context menu.

    Keep the following in mind:

    • To multi-select categories to copy, press CRTL+Click or SHIFT+Click before selecting Copy.

    • If you select an individual category, the system automatically copies all the category's children. However, you can choose whether to paste the individual category with or without the child categories.

    Copy Category

  3. Right-click the category that will serve as the parent for the new copied category, and choose one of the following actions.
    • Select Paste to create duplicates of the category and child categories in the new location.

      Paste Category

    • Select Paste without children to create duplicates of the individual category without duplicating the child categories in the new location.

  4. If any of the copied categories have content item associations, choose one of the following options in the Copy Category Associations dialog.
    • Click Yes to copy all content item associations from the original to the newly duplicated categories.

    • Click No to exclude all original content item associations in the newly duplicated categories.


    You can alternatively copy only content item associations from one category to another instead of copying whole categories. See CMS 10.6 Copying Category Associations for details.

    The system creates the category copies in the new location.

    Pasted Category