List Element Attributes

AttributeValuesExpanded / UnexpandedDescription
TypeTextE,UField identifier.
labelTextE,UWords that display above the element in the Edit tab.
UIDCharacter stringE,UUnique identifier for element.
ItemNameTextE,UAPI Name.
ItemTypeenumE,UType of element.
ItemLabelTextE,UFriendly name of element.
readonlytrue, falseUWhen true, element is visible, but grayed out and unable to be modified without permission to modify read-only elements.
hiddentrue, falseUWhen true, hidden from groups without permission to view hidden elements.
requiredtrue, falseUWhen true, the page cannot be checked in without a value in the element.
indexabletrue, falseUIf true, field will be indexed by search.
CIIDCharacter stringUContent Unit ID.
Enclosedtrue, falseUIf true, the result of list element items are wrapped by the top-level element.


List Element Attributes


List Element Attributes