DITA Dependency Validity Errors


If a DITA asset's dependencies have conflicts, an error icon Validity Error Icon displays in the Validity column of each conflicting dependency entry within the DITA Properties > Depends On and Used By tabs. These errors will cause issues when running DITA preview and publishing pipeline processing on the DITA asset and its dependencies.

See Checking Dependency Errors to view a list of dependency errors for a DITA asset.

Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378 vs. CMS 10.6308–10.6.342
If you hover over the error icon Validity Error Icon in CMS 10.6.378, you can see which dependency versions of the DITA asset are associated with the error.

In CMS 10.6308–10.6.342, all errors are associated with the latest version of the DITA asset.

The error icon may display for one or multiple reasons:

Dependency Not Found

If the ID of the dependency is not found in the CMS database, an error message similar to the following displays on the dependency entry in addition to the error icon within the Depends On tab:

Dependent Asset "a/[id]" no longer exists!
This message indicates the missing dependency is not in the Recycle Folder. If the Recycle Folder previously contained the dependency and was emptied, then the dependency was deleted from the CMS.


To resolve this error, consider updating, restoring, or removing the dependency reference. Start by checking whether the DITA asset references the correct dependency ID. If the DITA asset references an incorrect ID, check out the asset and update the reference with the correct one.

If the ID is correct but the corresponding asset cannot not be found, check if you have a backup of the content. If you do, upload the backup as a new asset and update the reference to link to the new ID. If the reference to the missing dependency is no longer needed, then remove the dependency reference from the appropriate version of the DITA asset.

Unmarked Dependency

If the DITA asset is marked to a publishing target and not its dependencies, the error icon will display on these unmarked dependencies in the Depends On tab. Hover over the error icon to see the publishing targets where the dependency is unmarked.

This error can also display in theUsed By tab of the dependency. If an error icon displays on the usage reference, this indicates the usage reference is marked to the publishing target but the DITA asset corresponding with the Used By tab is not.

Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378 vs. CMS 10.6308–10.6.342
The error icon only displays for unmarked dependencies in CMS 10.6.378.

To check for unmarked dependencies in CMS 10.6308–10.6.342, view the dependencies structure of the DITA map and hover over the Total Marked Publishing Targets icon of each dependency. Alternatively, for an expedited unmarked dependency list, run a DITA publish to the publishing target to generate the "dependencies are not marked for publish" error message. In the message, note each dependency listed.


The CMS prevents a DITA map from undergoing publishing pipeline processing when any of the map's dependencies are unmarked. You can resolve this issue by marking all the dependencies for publish to the appropriate publishing target. If a map contains dependencies you do not want to publish, then suppress them from the DITA map.

See DITA Publish Unmarked Dependency Error Remedies Part 1 and 2 for details to mark or suppress dependencies.

Recycled Dependency

The error icon will display on dependencies residing within the Recycle Folder.

This error can also display in the Used By tab of the dependency. If an error icon displays on the usage reference, this indicates the DITA asset corresponding with the Used By tab is in the Recycle Folder.

Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378
The error icon only displays for recycled dependencies in CMS 10.6.378.

The CMS prevents users from moving dependencies to the Recycle Folder. However, dependencies may end up in the Recycle Folder under the following conditions:

  1. The recycled asset is not referenced by the latest version or marked version of a DITA asset, indicating the asset is not a dependency.
  2. The recycled asset is referenced in by a previous version of the DITA asset, indicating the asset is a dependency is this previous version.
  3. If you revert the latest version to the previous version or mark the previous version for publish, then the asset in the Recycle Folder becomes a dependency.


Ensure you move any required dependencies from the Recycle Folder to the appropriate location within the DITA Root folder. If the dependency reference is no longer necessary, remove the dependency reference from the appropriate version of the DITA asset.

The CMS requires all DITA assets and any non-DITA dependencies to reside under the DITA Root folder. If a DITA dependency resides in the Recycle Folder and the Recycle Folder is emptied, the dependency will be permanently deleted.