Resizing Images

Use Resize in the Edit Image view to resize an uploaded gallery image.

To resize an image:
  1. Log in to Cartella.
  2. Navigate to [name-of-folio] > [name-of-galleries-module] > [name-of-gallery].
  3. Click the image in the Gallery Images area.
    Mousing over the image displays the image's filepath.
    The image item view displays.
  4. Click Edit.
    The Edit Image view displays.
  5. Click Resize in the File field.
    The Resize dialog displays.

    Resize Image

  6. Select or clear the Aspect Ratio checkbox.
    Selecting the checkbox maintains the aspect ratio by making the Height field read-only. Height adjusts accordingly to changes in the Width field.
  7. Choose one of the following steps.
    • Enter values in the Width and Height fields.

      Resize image via Width and Height Fields

    • Drag the square icon inwards or outwards to resize the image.

      Resize Image via Square Icon

      Press and hold Shift to resize without using the aspect ratio.
  8. Press Enter or click the checkmark symbol.

    Confirm Resize Change

    Press Esc or click the cancel symbol to cancel.
    Click Undo to undo the action. Click Redo to redo the undone action.
    Cartella resizes the image.
  9. Click Submit.
    Resizing of the image cannot be undone after saving.
    Cartella saves the resized image.