Deleting Versions

Prerequisites: Users require at least one of the following:
  • Users require moderator+ permissions for the module or module folder to complete this task.
  • Users require contributor+ permissions for the module or module folder and must be the item creator to complete this task.

Cartella saves the document's version history in the Previous Versions section. You can permanently delete a document's previous version(s).
Deleted versions cannot be recovered.
  1. Log in to Cartella.
  2. Navigate to [name-of-folio] > [name-of-document-module] > [name-of-folder] > [name-of-document].
  3. Click Previous Versions to display version history and click the version file to delete.
    Versions display in reverse-chronological order.
  4. Click the minus (-) button and click Delete.

    Document Item Delete (-) Button

    Delete Previous Document Version

    Cartella permanently deletes the version from the database.