Viewing and Setting Page Properties

The information icon provides a quick view of general page properties. The page properties that can be accessed by way of the information icon only display general properties for viewing.

To access general page, component, or folder properties via the information icon:
  1. Navigate to Site > Site Tree.
  2. Select a page, component, or folder in the Site Tree.
  3. Click the information icon to view the page properties.

    Information Icon Page Properties

    General Properties Descriptions:
    IDUnique ID of the selected page, component, or folder, which links to its XML version.
    SchemaName of the schema, which links to the governing schema in Schema Designer.
    Assigned toIndicates the user name assigned to the page, component, or folder.
    Checked outIndicates if selected page, component, or folder is checked out.
    LocaleDisplays the ID's locale set in WorldView settings.
    CreatedDate and time when object was created.
    Last changedDate and time when object was last saved.
    Changed byName of user who made the last change.
    WorkflowDescription of the workflow applied to the ID.
    CommentDescription of the most recent workflow action.
    Update SchemaClick the Update Schema button to create a new schema or to update the current schema.
    Asset properties can be viewed in a similar way as pages via Assets.
Users with appropriate permissions can configure additional page settings:
  • To access page properties via Site > Properties tab, see Properties tab.
  • To access page properties via the context menu:
    1. Navigate to Site.
    2. Right-click the desired page in the Site Tree.
    3. Select Page Properties. The Page Properties dialog displays in the context menu. This dialog contains tabs that provide access to an array of property types.

Next Steps: Choose from the following to learn more about options in Page Properties.