Viewing DITA Map Dependency Structures

The map structure feature provides you with a composite view of all content items associated with the map you selected. For each dependent map and topic within this dialog, administrators can quickly learn the status for each of the following:

  • Copy-to name (if one has been applied)
  • Checked in/out
  • Mark/Unmarked for publish
  • User assignment
  • Group assignment
  • If the dependent content item has been deleted from the CMS

Access this feature on the DITA Map Details toolbar in the DITA Properties view.

To view the structure of a DITA map and status of content items:
  1. Navigate to Assets > [DITA Map] > DITA Properties > Map Details view.
  2. On the toolbar, click the View Map Structure button.

    To save space in the UI, on some devices, the check out/in UI controls display in the hamburger menu .
    The hierarchical structure of the selected DITA map displays in its pop-out view.
  3. From this view you can:
    • Search for a particular content item by entering its filename in the provided search field.
    • Click any content item link to jump that item (e.g., topic) in the Asset Tree.
    • Hover over active"copy-to" icon to learn the topic's copy-to value.
    • Find out if the DITA content item in the hierarchy is checked in or checked out:
      • If the content item is checked in, the checked-in icon displays .
      • If the content item is checked out the icon becomes dim and the assigned-to icon displays , indicating who the asset is assigned to. If the icon is green, then the DITA asset has been assigned to you.
    • Hover over the Group icon to learn the name of the assigned group .
    • Find out if a content item in the hierarchy has been marked for publish.
      • If the content item has been marked for publish, the Mark for publish icon displays . The number to the right of the image indicates how many publishing targets have been applied to the DITA asset. Hover over the Mark for publish icon to see which publishing targets were marked.
      • If no content item has not been marked for publish, the Mark-for-publish icon does not display.
  4. When finished viewing the map structure, click Close to return to the DITA Map Details view.