Viewing DITA Map Dependency Structure

The map structure feature provides you with a composite view of all asset item dependencies associated with the map you selected. For each dependent asset item within this dialog, you can review the following information:

  • @copy-to name (if one has been applied)
  • Checked in/out status
  • Publish marking status
  • User/group assignments
  • Active status (whether the dependency has been moved to the Recycle Folder)

Access this feature on the DITA Map Details toolbar in the DITA Properties view.

Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378 vs. CMS 10.6.308–10.6.342
Dependency functionality differs between CMS 10.6.378 and CMS 10.6.308–10.6.342.
  • In CMS 10.6.378, dependencies are accounted for based on the DITA asset's latest content version and versions marked to publishing targets. To filter the dependency structure based on version tab, you can use the drop-down list in the Map Details tab.

  • In CMS 10.6.308–10.6.342, dependencies are only accounted for based on the current version of the DITA asset item. If you make and save changes to an asset item's dependencies, the map dependency structure view updates to reflect the new changes, no matter if the asset is checked in or out. If you mark an older version of the DITA asset item for publish, the CMS dependency system will not account for the dependencies in that version.

See CMS DITA Versioning Functionality for more details about CMS 10.6 dependency functionality changes.

To view the dependency structure of a DITA map:
  1. Navigate to the Assets > [DITA Map] > DITA Properties > Map Details tab.
  2. Choose one of the following options from the DITA Map Details drop-down list to filter the map dependency structure based on version:
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378
    The DITA Map Details drop-down list is exclusive to CMS 10.6.378. If you have CMS 10.6.308–10.6.342, skip this step.

    In CMS 10.6.378, map details, including the map's dependency structure, correspond with the filter you choose from drop-down list.

    Latest VersionDisplays the map dependency structure based on the latest content version of the DITA map.
    If you make and save content changes to the map, the map details in this view will reflect your new changes, no matter if the map is checked in or out.
    Name of Publishing TargetDisplays the map dependency structure based on the version of the map marked to the publishing target you choose in this list.

    In the drop-down list, the publish icon displays next to publishing target options.

  3. Click the View Dependency Structure button Dependency Structure in the DITA Map Details toolbar.
    If the toolbar options do not display, click the in the hamburger menu to access the options.
    The hierarchical dependency structure of the DITA map displays in the dialog.
  4. Optional: Review the status of each asset dependency, regarding the following conditions:
    "copy-to" nameIf active, this icon indicates the referencing element has a @copy-to value. Hover over the icon to see the value (i.e., the @copy-to name).
    You can use the @copy-to attribute when you plan to create two copies of the same file in the same DITA output. The @copy-to value will be the name of the duplicate file. See DITA 1.3 Specification: DITA map attributes for details about @copy-to.
    Checked InIf active, this icon indicates the dependent asset is checked in. If inactive (dimmed), this icon indicates the dependent asset is checked out. To see who is assigned to the checked-out asset, check the asset's assignment status.
    Total Marked Publishing TargetsIf active, this icon indicates the dependent asset is marked for publish to at least one publishing target. The number indicates the total publish markings. Hover over the icon to see the marked publishing targets for the content item.
    Version Notes: CMS 10.6.378
    If the icon displays as red, this indicates the dependency is not marked to the publishing target you selected in the DITA Map Details drop-down list.

    Ensure you address all unmarked dependencies. If a dependency is unmarked, the child dependencies of the unmarked item will not display in this map dependency structure view and will be excluded from the Map Details Coverage count for this publishing target.

    Assigned to MeIf active, this icon indicates the dependent asset is assigned to you.
    Assigned to Other UserIf active, this icon indicates the dependent asset item is assigned to another user. Hover over the icon to see the assigned user.
    Assigned to Other GroupIf active, this icon indicates the dependent asset is assigned to a user group. Hover over the icon to see the assigned group.
    DeletedIf active, this icon indicates the asset is in the Recycle Folder.
    • To search for a particular dependency, click the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of the dialog.
    • To see the asset ID of a particular dependency, hover over the dependency file name.
    • To go to a particular dependency in the Assets Manager, click the dependency file name.
  5. Click Close to return to the DITA Map Details tab when you finish viewing the map dependency structure.