Editing Field Content Units

Prerequisites: See Page Builder Prerequisites for details.

You can edit existing field content units to modify fields, images (i.e., thumbnails and icons), specific group restrictions, built-in views, or elements.

If you make edits, an asterisk (next to the Blocked Groups field) indicates unsaved changes.

Unsaved Changes

To edit a field content unit:
  1. Navigate to Administration > Presentation Content Units.
    The Field Content Units tab of the Management screen displays.

    Edit Field Content Unit

  2. Select Edit in the Actions menu.
    The Create/Edit screen displays.
  3. Optional: See Content Unit Views for details to modify built-in views.
    If unsaved changes exist, Preview displays as inactive in the Content Unit Actions menu.
  4. Optional: See Blocking Group Content Unit Access for details to prevent specific groups from accessing this field unit.
  5. Optional: Upload a thumbnail that represents the field content unit by completing the following steps.
    Upload Thumbnail displays as active after creating and saving a content unit. Uploading a thumbnail image replaces the generic icon to represent the content unit.
    1. Select the Upload Thumbnail icon.

      Upload Thumbnail

      The Upload Thumbnail dialog displays.
    2. Select an image from your local machine, and select Upload.
      Version Notes: CMS 10.5+

      Click Clear to remove the thumbnail.

      Clear Thumbnail

  6. Edit the appropriate fields.
    See Creating Field Content Units for field descriptions.

    Edit Fields

    Additional Information

    The CMS prevents converting saved field content units to component content units. However, you can click Make Copy to duplicate fields to a new content unit, where you can select a new component type.

    See Copying Field Content Units for details to duplicate field values. See Creating Component Content Units for details to create component units.

  7. Select Save in the Content Unit Actions menu when finished.

    Existing instances of modified content units in a Page Builder presentation don't sync saved changes. Notify presentation content contributors of changes that may affect existing content unit instances. You or the contributor may want to remove the content unit instance and add a new instance to include new edits.