Page and Component Elements

In general, the elements available vary according to the purpose of the page or component. For example, an event page might contain an event location element; whereas, a generic detail page may not.

While the specific elements vary by page or component type, schemas have a fixed number of element types. Different element types take different forms of input (e.g., text, image, media). The icon next to an element provides a visual clue about the input needed to complete the element.

Schema Elements

The table below provides page and component elements available for use in Ingeniux CMS.

Element TypeElementIconElement ExampleElement Description
TextPlain TextProducts

Contains only unformatted text. Typically used for titles, abstracts, captions, or contact information.

See Schema Designer Plain Text Fields.

XHTML EditorThis element can include text and media.

Contains text that accepts formatting, hyperlinks, images, tables, and more. Typically used for the main body of a page to create formatted content. TinyMCE powers XHTML editor.

See Schema Designer XHTML Editor Fields.

XMLThis element includes arbitrary XML.

Provides an XML editor for the creation of arbitrary XML. The editor checks for well-formed XML tags.

See Schema Designer XML Fields.

Ingeniux introduced the XML element in CMS 10.1+.

Provides the Select an Asset dialog for content contributors to browse and select an asset. In Schema Designer, users with permissions can limit the types of assets that content contributors can choose.

See Schema Designer Asset Fields.

: Users enter the default asset manually in Schema Designer. The Select an Asset dialog displays when content contributors edit the associated content item in the Site Tree.

Asset LinkSet




Provides the ability for content contributors to title and select a list of assets that displays in the current content item. Typically used to link media such as sound or video files.

For example, create an image list for a slide show or videos for a playlist.

See Schema Designer Asset LinkSet Fields.


Links to an internal page in the Site Tree, an external website, or a document. Typically used to create hyperlinks.

See Schema Designer Link Fields.


Home (x2)

About (x3)

Contact (x4)

Contains a reorderable list of links with a text title. Generates content in a typical navigation page node format and supports structured URLs. The content updates automatically after linked pages check in.

See Schema Designer LinkSet Fields.

FunctionalComponentSite Control (x10)

Creates a relationship between two nodes in the Site Tree and provides a slot where content contributors can drop a component for other content items to use. A component provides opportunities to reuse the same content piece across site pages.

See Schema Designer Component Fields.


In CMS 10.x, adds a Browse Asset button and employs an asset filter that allows content contributors to only select non-binary assets (e.g., code, CSS, JSON, text, XML, XSL). After browsing for and selecting the asset from the list, the asset path automatically populates the field value.

See Schema Designer Insert Fields.

Dynamic ExecuteThis element can include dynamic execute elements and attributes.

Connects to a .dll file such as for a DbQuery, SMTP connector, or SOAP connector. Typically used to retrieve records from external data.

See Schema Designer Dynamic Execute Fields.

PasswordThis element can include a password to protect the content item.

Encrypts information used by dynamic execute components. Typically used to encrypt a database connection string.

See Schema Designer Password Fields.


Group Start

Group End

This element can contain other elements.

Visually groups elements in the Site > Edit tab. Typically used to group elements of similar nature (e.g., event-related elements like Event Name, Event Date, and Event Location).

See Schema Designer Group Start and Group End Fields.





This element can contain sub-elements.

Provides content contributors the ability to add a variable number of additional sub-elements. Typically used when the number of desired items is unknown.

See Schema Designer List Fields.

NavigationNavigationThis element includes filtered Site Tree content items links.

Pulls content from a location in the Site Tree automatically. Typically used to create navigation lists in the top, left, or bottom of pages.

See Schema Designer Navigation Fields.

You can configure a local export from this element.
Taxonomy Navigation




This element includes only Site Tree taxonomy categories or filtered Site Tree content item links via taxonomy categories.

Pulls page references based on taxonomical categories applied to content items. Unlike standard navigation elements, taxonomy navigation doesn't rely on the hierarchical structure of the Site Tree to return values.

See Schema Designer Taxonomy Navigation Fields.

References Navigation




This element includes Site Tree content reference links.

Allows a content item to reference other content items within the site. Typically used to create cross-references.

Only one references navigation element is allowed per page schema.

See Schema Designer References Navigation Fields.

Asset Navigationphotos (af/7)

Indexes all the items in a folder or collection of folders that all live under an Assets Tree parent folder and then automatically pulls content from that location. Typically used to create navigation lists in the top, left, or bottom of pages.

See Schema Designer Asset Navigation Fields.

Asset Taxonomy Navigation




This element includes only Assets Tree taxonomy categories or filtered asset links via taxonomy categories.

Returns selective aggregate of assets.

For example, users can create asset taxonomy navigations to aggregate photos associated with taxonomy categories. Unlike standard navigation elements, asset taxonomy navigation doesn't rely on the hierarchical structure of the Assets Tree to return values.

See Schema Designer Asset Taxonomy Navigation Fields.

Date / TimeDate


08:00 AM

Lets content contributors select a date from a calendar date-picker interface and, if configured, a time from a time-picker interface. Stores the date and time content as server time with a GMT offset in UTC format.

See Schema Designer Date Fields.

Local Date10/05/2020

Lets users select a date from a calendar date-picker interface. Stores the local date content as YYYY-MM-DD without an offset.

See Schema Designer Local Date Fields.

Local Time08:00 AM

Lets users select a time. Stores local time content as HH:MM:SS with an offset.

See Schema Designer Local Time Fields.




Selects a binary option such as yes/no or on/off. Typically used to turn on or off a function in the site or component.

See Schema Designer Checkbox Fields.

Dropdown List





Provides a drop-down list from which content contributors can select a single item from predefined list items. Users can define the list item sources in the schema itself or dynamically generate them from Site Tree content items.

See Schema Designer Dropdown List Fields.

Version Notes: CMS 10.1-10.3
Do not use the pipe character (|) within drop-down list values. If you need special characters, you can use getElementValues instead of schema-defined values.


  • Hard-coded choices
  • Database Query
  • CMS node-set
  • External Scripting




The element contains a dialog to multi-select choices.

Lets content contributors select multiple choices from a list. The various versions of the multi-select element have the same editing interface but differ on how the list of choices assembles.

To modify the list item source, users with permissions can choose one of the following:

  • Directly hard code the source inside a schema.
  • Query the source from a database.
  • Dynamically generate the source from nodes in the Site Tree.
  • Execute the source from a custom script.

See Schema Designer Multi-Select Fields.

Basic Schema Element Fields

Nearly all schema elements have the following Schema Designer fields in common.

FieldValuesDescriptionUsed By
Field Label[text]Identifies the element field for content contributors in the page or component. The friendly label displays above the element in the Edit tab.All elements except for the group end element.
Tag Name (required)[text]Identifies the element name in the schema metadata. Tag names only accept alphanumeric characters and underscores.All elements except for the group end element.
Full View on Open checkbox



If selected, automatically displays the element field as expanded on index view load for content contributors in the page or component. If cleared, automatically displays the element field as collapsed for content contributors.
Version Notes: CMS 10.6
All elements except for the group start and group end element.
Hidden checkbox



If selected, hides the element from content contributors without permissions to view hidden elements.All elements.
Read Only checkbox



If selected, displays the element as uneditable (i.e., dimmed) to content contributors without permissions to modify read-only elements.All elements.
Required checkbox



If selected, prevents checking in the content item without an element value.All elements.
Indexable checkbox



If selected, makes the element available to add to the index.All elements.
Help Text[text]

Provides text entered by an administrator or user with permissions to help content contributors enter a value for the element.

Help Text has no XML attribute equivalent in the schema .xml file.

All elements except for the group end element.

Schema Element Fields

Many elements have fields that users with permissions can set in Schema Designer. Setting fields simplifies the user experience by reducing the amount of content to enter. Content contributors can overwrite default values in the Site > Edit tab after creating the pages or components.

The Fields column in the table below excludes the basic fields common to almost all element fields (i.e., Hidden, Read Only, Required, Indexable, Field Label, Tag Name, Help Text). The Basic Page and Component Field table above defines these fields.

Refer to Element Attributes for Schema XML for an alphabetical listing of element types and their respective XML attributes.
Associated ElementFieldsExample Field ValuesDescription
Plain TextDefault ValueProductsSets the default unformatted text value of the plain text element.
Character Limit35
Version Notes: CMS 10.6
CMS 10.6 provides the Character Limit field. If this field contains a value, then the system sets a maximum number of characters allowed in the plain text element. See Character Limits for details.
XHTML EditorDefault ValueHello WorldSets the default value of the XHTML editor element.
Character Limit32000
Version Notes: CMS 10.6
CMS 10.6 provides the Character Limit field. If this field contains a value, then the system sets a maximum number of characters allowed in the XHTML editor element. See Character Limits for details.
Height500Sets the height (in pixels) of the XHTML editor element.
XMLDefault ValueIngeniux CMSSets the default value of any well-formed XML tag set.

Sets the default value of the asset element. The value requires an asset ID.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Select button in the Site > Edit tab.


This field only accepts one asset.

Asset TypesImage|Document|Audio

Determines which assets that content contributors can select based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter.

Content contributors can only select an asset if this value includes the asset's schema root name.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can select any asset.

Require Alt Text on Imagesfalse
Version Notes: CMS 10.5
CMS 10.5 provides the Require Alt Text on Images field. If selected, this element requires the nested image to have an Alt Text value before saving the page associated with the schema.
Asset LinkSetTitleEvent HighlightsSets the default friendly title of the asset linkset list.Content contributors can edit this value via the Title field in the Site > Edit tab.

Sets internal assets as default list items. The value requires asset IDs. Use the pipe character (|) to delimit assets.

Content contributors can edit this value in the SiteEdit tab.

Node TypesImage|Document|Audio

Provides a default asset filter based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter. This value is case sensitive.

Content contributors can only select an asset if the value includes the asset's schema root name. They can edit this value via the Filter Asset Types field in the Site > Edit tab.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can select any asset.

Start Nodesaf/2|af/3

Determines which asset folders content contributors can access by default. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter.

Content contributors can only select an asset if the value includes the asset's ancestor folder ID. They can edit this value via the Filter Asset Folders field in the Site > Edit tab.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can select assets from any asset folder.

LinkExpanded by Default checkbox



If selected, expands the element by default to show all contents. If cleared, collapses the element by default to display only the element name in the Site > Edit tab.
Link drop-down list




Determines the type of link (unspecified, external or document). If unspecified, the link defaults to internal.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Link Type field in the Site > Edit tab.

Link Text[clickable-text]

Sets the default display text (i.e., clickable text) that displays for the link.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Link Name field in the Site > Edit tab.



Sets the default URL of an internal link, external link, or a document name from a document asset folder.

Content contributors can edit this value in the Site > Edit tab.

Target drop-down list




Sets the default window where the link opens.

Content contributors can choose whether or not the link opens in a new window in the Site > Edit tab.

_blank opens the link in a new window.

_self opens the link in the current frame.

_parent opens the link in parent frame.

Exports: NameexportedLink

Sets the export name.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: Value/*/Link

Sets the XPath query expression for the export.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in theSite > Edit tab.

LinkSetNode TypesTask|Concept

Filters which pages and components that content contributors can select based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter. This value is case sensitive.

Content contributors can only select a content item if the value includes the content item's schema root name.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can select any page or component.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Filtering Page Types field in the Site > Edit tab.

Start Nodesx2|x49|x36

Filters which Site items that content contributors can access. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter.

Content contributors can only select content items if the Start Nodes value includes the content item's ancestor xID.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can select any Site item.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Filtering Ancestor Pages field in the Site > Edit tab.

TitleEvent Resources

Sets the default friendly title of the asset linkset list.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Title field in the Site > Edit tab.


Sets content items as default linkset items. The value requires xIDs. Use the pipe character (|) to delimit content items.

Content contributors can edit this value in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: NameexportedLinkSet

Sets the export name.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: Value/*/LinkSet

Sets the XPath query expression for the export.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.


Presets the element with the xID of a particular component on page creation.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Component field in Site > Edit tab.

Component TypeButton;ContactInfo

Limits the available components in the Select a Component dialog to those using a particular schema. Use a semicolon character (;) as a delimiter.

Content contributors can only select content items if the Component Type value includes the content item's schema root name.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can any component.

Create embedded content upon page creation checkbox



If selected, automatically embeds the chosen component when creating the content item.

Embedding a component creates a local copy of its content.

Lock Embed State checkbox



If selected with a component embedded, prevents content contributors from unembedding the component.

If selected with a component unembedded, prevents content contributors from embedding the component.

Wrapped in expanded XML checkbox



If selected, wraps the component in expanded XML.
InsertInsert URL


Presets the element with a particular insert value.

If an internal source, the field requires the source document to reside in the \PreBuilt directory on the server.

If an external source, the field requires the absolute URL.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Insert URL field in Site > Edit tab.

Content contributors can select internal sources and not external sources. This field only accepts external sources if users manually entered in Schema Designer.

Well-Formed checkbox



If selected, specifies if the inserted content conforms to XML standards.
Extract HTML Body checkbox



If selected, returns everything in the HTML body tag and ignores everything else.
Timeout (seconds)5Specifies time allowed before the connection times out.
Cache Duration (seconds)10Specifies time allowed before the cache times out.
Dynamic ExecuteTemplate Schema


Important: To properly set this field, this value requires additional configuration and set up.

Specifies the settings used by the Windows COM+ based ComExecute component.

The template is defined by class.

Override Edit Form (Optional)


Important: To properly set this field, this value requires additional configuration and set up.

Overrides the Edit form.
Password Basic fields only.n/aContent contributors provide the password in the Site > Edit tab.
Group StartGroup in Expanded XML checkbox



If selected, expands the element to show all contents. If cleared, collapses the element to display only the name of the element in the Site > Edit tab.
Version Notes: CMS 10.0-10.3 vs. 10.5
In CMS 10.0-10.3, all basic checkbox fields display.

In CMS 10.5, the hidden checkbox displays as the only basic checkbox field.

Group End Basic checkbox fields only.n/a
Version Notes: CMS 10.0-10.3 vs. 10.5
In CMS 10.0-10.3, only basic checkbox fields display.

In CMS 10.5, no fields display in the Group End element.

ListMaximum Items


Version Notes: CMS 10.6
CMS 10.6 provides the Maximum Items field. If this field contains a value, then the system sets a maximum number of items allowed in the list element. See List Item Limits for details.
Grouped in expanded XML checkbox



If selected, expands the element to show all contents. If cleared, collapses the element to display only the name of the element Site > Edit tab.
List Item LabelItemIdentifies list items with a friendly label for content contributors in the list element. The label displays above each list item in Site > Edit tab.
List Item Name (required)


Identifies the API name of the list item.

List Item Type drop-down list

Plain Text


Identifies the type of list item.

If the user selects no type, list items default to the string type.

Character Limit25
Version Notes: CMS 10.6
CMS 10.6 provides the Character Limit field. If this field contains a value, then the system sets a maximum number of characters allowed in the list element. See Character Limits for details.
NavigationExpand by Default checkbox



If selected, expands the element to show all contents. If cleared, collapses the element to display only the name of the element in the Site > Edit tab.
Navigation Type drop-down list






Sets the type of navigation upon content item creation. Navigation types correspond to the content item's structural relationships in the Site Tree.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Navigation Type field in the Site > Edit tab.

Generation Order drop-down list



Determines the generation order (i.e., navigation order) upon page creation.

The navigation element only uses this value when the Navigation Type field displays Ancestors as the value.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Order field in the Site > Edit tab.

Start Pagex2

Sets the starting content item (xID) from which navigation results return. Acts as a stopping content item when the Navigation Type drop-down list displays Ancestors as the value (i.e., returns ancestor items in the navigation until the system hits the xID specified in this field).

Content contributors can edit this value via the Start Page field in the Site > Edit tab.

Maximum Nodes100,000

Sets the maximum number of content items returned in the navigation. Content contributors can change this value in the Site > Edit tab.

The system evaluates this field value prior to Maximum Depth when determining how many items to display in navigation.

If the navigation doesn't require a maximum limit, set this value to 100,000.
Maximum Depth3

Sets the maximum level of depth for content items returned in the navigation.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Depth field in the Site > Edit tab.


Sets an optional XPath query that can filter the navigation results. This runs the query against the full navigation rather than against the page's raw XML, as is done by the multi-select element.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Query field in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: NameexportedNav

Sets the export name.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: Value/*/Nav

Sets the XPath query expression for the export.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Taxonomy NavigationStart Categories24|9|78|43

Sets default categories. The system returns content items that associate with selected categories in the taxonomy navigation.

The value requires the category ID numbers. Use the pipe character (|) to delimit content items.

Content contributors can edit this value in the Site > Edit tab.

Depth dropdown list3

Specifies the level of depth (-1 to 20) the system can access in the Site Tree structure to return content items that meet the taxonomical criteria.

Content contributors can also edit this value via the Depth drop-down list in the Site > Edit tab.

The -1 list item represents all depth levels and the 0 list item represents the current depth level.
Page TypesTask|Concept

Filters pages and components based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter. This value is case sensitive.

Content contributors can only return the content items that meet the taxonomical criteria if the value includes the content item's schema root name. They can edit this value via the Filter Schemas field in the Site > Edit tab.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can return pages or components associated with any schema.

Start Pagesx27|x109|x4

Specifies which xID(s) the element can access. From the specified xIDs and their children, the system returns all content items that meet the taxonomical criteria.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Filter Ancestor Pages field in the Site > Edit tab.

Include Pages checkbox



If selected, the system returns XML for the content items. If cleared, the system only returns the taxonomy categories.

In an example scenario, users can clear this checkbox to create a category tag cloud.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Return field in Site > Edit tab.

Exports: NameexportedTaxNav

Sets the export name.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: Value/*/TaxNav

Sets the XPath query expression for the export.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

References NavigationDepth drop-down list5

Specifies the maximum level of depth (0 to 10) the system can access in chained content item references to return.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Depth field in the Site > Edit tab.

The 0 list item represents Direct References Only.
Node TypesTask|Concept

Filters pages and components based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter. This value is case sensitive.

Content contributors can only return chained content item references if the value includes the content item's schema root name. They can edit this value via the Filter Schemas field in the Site > Edit tab.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can return pages or components associated with any schema.

Start Nodesx27|x109|x4

Specifies which xID(s) the element can access. From the specified xIDs and their children, the system returns chained references in the references navigation element.

Content contributors can change this default via the element's Filter Roots field in the Site > Edit tab.

Cross References checkbox



If selected, the reference returns content items included this element.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Include Cross References field in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: NameexportedRefNav

Sets the export name.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Exports: Value/*/RefNav

Sets the XPath query expression for the export.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Exports area in the Site > Edit tab.

Asset NavigationMaximum Nodes6

Sets the maximum total assets returned.

Content contributors can change this value via the Max Nodes field in the Site > Edit tab.

Maximum Depth3

Sets the maximum level of depth to return via the Asset Tree.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Max Depth field in the Site > Edit tab.


Specifies which asset folder the element can access. From the specified ID and its children, the system returns assets in the asset navigation element. This value only accepts one asset folder ID.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Start Node field in the Site > Edit tab.

Asset Taxonomy NavigationStart Categories24|9|78|43

Sets default categories. The system returns assets that associate with selected categories in the asset taxonomy navigation.

The value requires the category ID numbers. Use the pipe character (|) to delimit content items.

Content contributors can edit this value in the Site > Edit tab.


Specifies the level of depth (-1 to 20) the system can access in the Assets Tree structure hierarchy to return content items that meet the taxonomical criteria.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Depth field in the Site > Edit tab.

Page TypesImage|Document|Audio

Filters assets based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter. This value is case sensitive.

Content contributors can only return assets that meet the taxonomical criteria if the Node Types value includes the asset's schema root name. They can edit this value via the Filer Asset Types field in the Site > Edit tab.

If the value remains empty, content contributors can return assets associated with any schema.

Filter Asset Foldersaf/3|af/8

Filters which default asset folders the element can access. From the specified IDs and their children, the system returns all assets that meet the taxonomical criteria.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Filter Asset Folders field in the Site > Edit tab.

Include Assets checkbox



If selected, the system returns XML for the assets. If cleared, the system only returns the taxonomy categories.

In an example scenario, users can clear this checkbox to create a category tag cloud.

Content contributors can edit this default via the Return field in the Site > Edit tab.

DateDefault Value20210824T12:00:00

Sets the default time and date.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Date field and, if configured, the Time field in the Site > Edit tab.

Field Type





Determines how the system stores the date data before applying formatting.

If no field type is selected, the data becomes arbitrary. The system has no way of tracking or managing arbitrary data.
Local DateDefault Value2021-07-23

Sets the default local date that correlates to the current user's default timezone registered on their local system.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Date field in the Site > Edit tab..

Local TimeDefault Value13:00:00

Sets the default time.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Time field in the Site > Edit tab.

Timezone NamePST

Sets the relevant timezone name.

Navigate to Administration > System Options > CMS > Timezones in Ingeniux CMS for the list of timezone names.
Timezone Offset-8Sets the number of hours offset from GMT.
CheckboxDefault Valuetrue


Sets the default value of the checkbox. If true, the checkbox displays as selected by default in the Site > Edit tab. If false or unspecified, the checkbox displays as cleared.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Click to enable checkbox in the Site > Edit tab.

Drop-down ListDefault Valuechoice2

Sets a list item as the default selection in the drop-down list. This field requires the Choices field value to include the list item.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Select One drop-down list in the Site > Edit tab.





Sets the available arbitrary items within the drop-down list element.

Do not use the pipe (|) special character within drop-down list values. If you need special characters, you can use getElementValues instead of schema-defined values.
Multi-SelectSee table below.

Multi-Select Element Fields

In addition to basic fields and default value fields, there are a handful of element-specific fields.

Associated ElementFieldExample Field ValuesDescription
Multi-Select Hard-CodedDefault ValueChoice1|Choice3

Sets choices selected by default in the element.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Select button in the Site > Edit tab.

Maximum Choices2Sets the total choices that content contributors can select from the given choices. If content contributors attempt to select more than the maximum, a message displays:
"This field only allows up to
[Maximum-Choices-value] choices".
Page Size5Sets the number of choices listed per page in the element's choice selection dialog via the Site > Edit tab.
Choices (required)Choice1|Choice2|Choice3|Choice4|Choice5Specifies the list of options from which a content contributor can select choices. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter.
Database QueryDefault ValueChoice1|Choice2

Sets choices selected by default in the element.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Select button in the Site > Edit tab.

Maximum Choices2Sets the total choices that content contributors can select from given choices. If content contributors attempt to select more than the maximum, a message displays:
"This field only allows up to 
[Maximum-Choices-value] choices".
Page Size5Sets the number of choices listed per page in the element's choice selection dialog via the Site > Edit tab.
DSN (required)someDSNDefines the data source name (DSN) used to access the specified database.
SQL (required)"select Column from database"Define a select statement returning one or more columns from a database.
CMS node-setDefault ValueChoice1|Choice4

Sets choices selected by default in the element.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Select button in the Site > Edit tab.

Maximum Choices2Sets the total choices that content contributors can select from given choices. If content contributors attempt to select more than the maximum, a message displays:
"This field only allows up to 
[Maximum-Choices-value] choices".
Page Size5Sets the number of choices listed per page in the element's choice selection dialog via the Site > Edit tab.
Node TypesTask|Concept

Filters which pages and components display as choices based on schemas. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter. This value is case sensitive.

The content item displays as a choice if the Node Types value includes the content item's schema root name.

If the value remains empty, the element can display any page or component as a choice.

Start Nodex24Filters which pages and components display as choices based on their Site Tree location. Use the pipe character (|) as a delimiter.

The system can only retrieve pages and components as choices if the Start Nodes value includes their ancestor xID.

If the value remains empty, any page or component displays as a choice.

Fields to Include@Name|@IDDetermines which fields within the items return in the choice result set. Use a pipe character (|) as a delimiter to add multiple fields.
Additional FilterXPathAllows the element to filter results based on an XPath query.
External ScriptingDefault ValueChoice1|Choice4

Sets the number of options that can be selected from the given choices.

Content contributors can edit this value via the Select button in the Site > Edit tab.

Maximum Choices2Sets the total choices that content contributors can select from given choices. If content contributors attempt to select more than the maximum, a message displays:
"This field only allows up to 
[Maximum-Choices-value] choices".
Page Size5Sets the number of choices listed per page in the element's choice selection dialog via the Site > Edit tab.