Configuring synonyms.xml


Requirements differ depending on your CMS version, InSite Search version, and Search.config setup.

You can configure synonyms in synonyms.xml. Once configured, the synonyms search feature returns results for searched terms that are similar in meaning to those in the indexed content.

To configure synoynms.xml:
  1. Navigate to synonyms.xml.

    The default location is Config\synonyms.xml in the DSS root directory.

  2. Open synonyms.xml in a text editor.
  3. Use the following sample to customize your Synonyms.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <S words="organization,institution,company,firm,corporation"/>
       <S words="cat,kitty,feline,lion"/>
    For the sample configuration above, if the search term entered by an end user is corporation, then results are returned for all matches of organization, institution, company, firm and/or corporation in the indexed content.
  4. Save Synonyms.xml when you finish.
    If synonyms.xml resides in the CMS Assets Manager, check out the file, make your changes, and then check in the file. On your next publish, synonyms.xml will be replicated to the DSS published content folder.