Rotating Images

Rotate an uploaded gallery image in the Edit Image view. Use RotateRight to rotate the image 90 degrees right or use RotateLeft to rotate the image 90 degrees left.

To rotate an image:
  1. Log in to Cartella.
  2. Navigate to [name-of-folio] > [name-of-galleries-module] > [name-of-gallery].
  3. Click the image in the Gallery Images area.
    Mousing over the image displays the image's filepath.
    The image item view displays.
  4. Click Edit.
    The Edit Image view displays.
  5. Choose one or both of the following steps.
    • Click RotateRight in the File field.

      The image rotates 90 degrees right.

      Rotate Image Right

    • Click RotateLeft in the File field.

      The image rotates 90 degrees left.

      Rotate Image Left

    Repeat steps as necessary.
    Click Undo to undo the action. Click Redo to redo the undone action.
    Cartella rotates the image.
  6. Click Submit.
    Cartella saves the rotated image.