CMS 10.6 Configuring Password Rules

Prerequisites: CMS 10.6 must be installed. See CMS Statistics for details to check your version.

System administrators can set rules in the Ingeniux CMS 10.6 local-membership.config file to strengthen CMS user account passwords.

To configure user account password rules in local-membership.config:
  1. Navigate to the CMS installation's site folder (e.g., [Drive]:[path-to-site-root-folder]).
  2. Locate local-membership.config, and open the file in a text editor.

    Example of local-membership.config:

                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <membership defaultProvider="IngeniuxMembershipProvider">
            <!-- Tags removed for brevity.-->
            <add name="IngeniuxMembershipProvider"
                connectionStringName="IGXDBConnectionString" applicationName="IngeniuxCMS"
                enablePasswordRetrieval="true" enablePasswordReset="true"
                requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" requiresUniqueEmail="false"
                minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters="0" minRequiredPasswordLength="5"
                requiresPasswordExcludesUserInfo="false" requiresPasswordExcludesUserName="false"
                requiresPasswordExcludesDisplayName="false" minRequiredCapitalLetters="0"
                minRequiredNumbers="0" passwordFormat="Encrypted" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="50000"
  3. Navigate to the <add> element with the @name attribute value IngeniuxMembershipProvider, and configure the following attributes.
    @passwordStrengthRegularExpressionEnter a regular expression (regex) string.

    For example:


    This example indicates that passwords require a minimum of eight characters and require two or more capital letters, numbers, and special characters.

    If you use this regex example setting, all other password complexity settings will be ignored.

    @minRequiredPasswordLengthEnter a number to represent the minimum required password length. If not set, the value defaults to 1.
    @minRequiredCapitalLettersEnter a number to represent the minimum required number of capital letters in passwords. If not set, the value defaults to 0.
    @minRequiredNumbersEnter a number to represent the minimum required numbers users must incorporate in passwords. If not set, the value defaults to 1.
    @minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharactersEnter a number to represent the minimum required number of non-alphanumeric characters in passwords. If not set, the value defaults to 1.
  4. Save your changes to local-membership.config.
  5. Recycle the CMS application pool after deploying these changes.