API Extensions Development Harness

This main purpose of the API Extensions Development Harness is to facilitate development of custom hooks (CustomHooks.cs), custom indexes (CustomIndexes.cs), and element value choice hooks (get_element_values.cs). Within the project environment, developers can work with all three with full IntelliSense support. These *.cs files compile at runtime when they have been modified; however, the CMS instance does not use the compiled API Extensions Development Harness project.

The API_Extensions_Development_Harness project is for reference purposes only. It is not intended to be modified in any way.

API Extensions Development Harness Project

These topics contain more information about the major logical extensions contained in this project:

Custom Hooks
Extends functionality to standard CMS actions. The name of this class file is CustomHooks.cs.
Custom Indexes
Creates new indexes for retrieving complex data to be used with the CSAPI. The name of this class file is CustomIndexes.cs.
Element Value Choice Hooks
Provides options to drop-down and multi-select elements. The name of this class file is get_element_values.cs.

Also, this project includes these extension points: