Creating Synchronizers

Prerequisites: Users require site administrator permissions to complete this task.

Use the User Group Configuration Tool view to integrate Sales Force, LDAP, or ADFS synchronizers for other user application stores. Configuring an Active Directory synchronizer imports membership data used to populate groups in Cartella. All of the contacts for a given company are converted to Cartella users and associated with the appropriate customer group.

Choose whether or not to configure the synchronizer in the Cartella user interface or in Cartella.config. See Advanced Setup: Syncing to Custom User Store to configure the synchronizer via Cartella.config.

To create a synchronizer:
  1. Log in to Cartella.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Configuration Management > User Group Sync.
  3. Click Create New Syncher to create a synchronizer.

    LDAP Synchronization

  4. Enter the name in the User Group Synch Name field.

    LDAP Synchronization

  5. Select one of the authenticators or synchronizers from the drop-down list:
    List ItemDescription
    Sales Force AuthenticatorAuthentication for Salesforce.
    If you select this option, navigate to Syncing to Salesforce for details.
    LDAP AuthenticatorAuthentication for LDAP.
    If you select this option, navigate to Syncing LDAP for details.
    ADFS SyncherAuthentication for custom user stores.
  6. Clear or select the Add Seat on Creation checkbox in the Connection Info section.
    Selecting this option adds created users to the Cartella seat count.
  7. If you select ADFS Syncher from the drop-down list, enter the following fields in the Group Mapping Info section:
    If you selected Sales Force Authenticator or LDAP Authenticator, view the Description notes in the table above to proceed.
    Name KeyName key.
    Group Format StringGroup format string.
  8. Enter the following fields in the User Mapping Info section:
    External ID KeyID of the external key.
    Login Name KeyEmail for the login name key.
    Login Name Format StringFormat string for the login name.
    First Name KeyFirst name.
    Last Name KeyLast name.
    Email KeyEmail for Salesforce.
    Phone KeyPhone number.
    Company KeyCompany.
  9. Optional: Click Add Field in the User Mapping Info section to enter additional values for:
    Store KeyKey for store.
    Cartella KeyKey for Cartella.
    Add additional fields as needed.
    Click Remove to remove the added fields.
  10. Click Save Changes.
    Cartella saves and syncs the new synchronizer.