Checking DITA Preview Logs for Errors

Prerequisites: System administrators must enable debug mode (args.debug) before users run the DITA preview. See Running DITA Debug Mode for details.
The system provides debugging details in the DITA log after the associated DITA preview runs with debug mode enabled.

Check the DITA preview log for errors. These errors may provide details about where the conflict resides and what the conflict entails. You can check the DITA preview log in two areas.

Checking Logs via DITA Preview or XML Tab

To check a DITA log for errors via the DITA Preview or XML tab:
  1. Navigate to Assets > Assets Tree, and choose one of the following steps.
    If the preview map scope contains cached previews, then clear the cache before executing the preview. See Clearing DITA Preview Cache for details.
    • Run the DITA preview on the DITA collection via the DITA Preview tab. Apply the same preview settings that you used previously when you encountered the issue.

      See Previewing DITA Views for details about the DITA Preview tab.

    • Run the DITA XML preview on the DITA collection via the XML tab. Apply the same preview settings that you used previously when you encountered the issue.

      See Previewing DITA Raw XML for details about DITA XML previews.

    Select DITA Preview Generation Scope Dialog

    The DITA-OT transformation process takes time to generate the DITA preview.
    The DITA-OT transformation process executes, and the real-time DITA-OT process details display in the Log screen.

    DITA Preview > Log Screen

  2. Keep the DITA Preview tab open, and wait for the preview to generate.
    When the process completes, the system displays the Preview generated message along with the total build time for the DITA-OT transformation. Also, the DITA Preview tab switches to the Content screen, where the completed DITA asset content preview displays.

    DITA Preview > Content Screen

    If system ran the DITA-OT transformation and the process does not successfully complete, then the DITA Preview tab remains in the Log screen view. and the Errors navigation tool displays in the DITA Preview tab toolbar.
  3. If errors display in the Log screen view, use the toolbar Error arrows to navigate errors within the log. Select the left arrow to navigate to the previous error, and select the right arrow to navigate to the next error. To download the log, follow the step directly below.

    DITA-OT Log Errors

  4. Optional: You can download the transformation log details by completing the following steps.
    1. Select the Log option in the DITA Preview tab toolbar.
      The Log screen displays.
    2. Select Download Log in the DITA Preview tab toolbar.
    3. Open the downloaded log file in a text editor.
  5. Open the downloaded log file in a text editor.
  6. Review the log data, and note entries that indicate errors or other discrepancies.

Next Steps:

After noting DITA log errors and other discrepancies, return to the appropriate troubleshooting topic to continue diagnosing your issue.

Checking Logs via Publishing Monitor

To check a DITA log for errors:
  1. Navigate to Assets > Assets Tree, and choose one of the following steps.
    If the preview map scope contains cached previews, then clear the cache before executing the preview. See Clearing DITA Preview Cache for details.
    • Execute the DITA preview on the DITA collection via the DITA Preview tab. Apply the same preview settings that you used previously when you encountered the issue.

      See Previewing DITA Views for details about the DITA Preview tab.

    • Execute the DITA XML preview on the DITA collection via the XML tab. Apply the same preview settings that you used previously when you encountered the issue.

      See Previewing DITA Raw XML for details about DITA XML previews.

    Select DITA Preview Generation Scope Dialog

    The DITA-OT transformation process takes time to generate the DITA preview.
    The DITA-OT transformation process executes, and the real-time DITA-OT process details display in the Log screen.

    DITA Preview > Log Screen

  2. Wait for the DITA-OT transformation to complete, and then navigate to Administration > Publishing Monitor.
    When the process completes, the system displays the Preview generated message along with the total build time for the DITA-OT transformation.
  3. Select the Show DITA Logs button in the Recently Completed section of Publishing Monitor to access the preview log for the most recently executed DITA preview transformation process.

    Post Processing Status Console Dialog > Current Tab

    The Logs tab of the Post Processing Status Console dialog displays.
  4. Review the relevant preview entry, and note if the Has Errors column indicates conflicts.
    The Has Errors column only indicates conflicts when the DITA-OT transformation process encounters a fatal error that halts the entire process. If the Has Errors column indicates no conflicts, the log may still contain errors and warnings that did not halt the DITA-OT process.
  5. Select the Download Log icon associated with your preview.

    Post Processing Status Console Dialog > Current Tab

    The system downloads the .log file to your local machine.
  6. Open the downloaded log file in a text editor.
  7. Review the log data, and note entries that indicate errors or other discrepancies.

Next Steps:

After noting DITA log errors and other discrepancies, return to the appropriate troubleshooting topic to continue diagnosing your issue.