Commenting within Modules

Cartella users who are logged in to Cartella can comment on any content.

Viewing Comments

You can view comments by clicking the title of content within a module. The comments display below the content.

Commenting on Content

Prerequisites: Users require a Cartella account to complete this task.

To leave a comment:

  1. Locate the comment field that follows instances of module content.
  2. Enter a comment.

    Submit Comment

  3. Click Submit to post it.
To leave a comment, you have to be logged in. Users can also reply to a comment or flag it. Flagging a comment marks it as unapproved and adds it to a moderator’s inbox. The flagged comment is no longer visible until the moderator approves it. Administrators also have the option of deleting comments
When a discussion is locked, no more posts are allowed. Posts can also be locked. If a post is locked, no more comments are allowed on that post.

Flagging Comment Content

Prerequisites: Users require a Cartella account to complete this task.

Flagging content sends a notice to a moderator, indicating that the comment needs to be approved or deleted. A dialog message displays to confirm the flagging the comment. The flagged comment won’t be visible until a moderator approves it. Typically, flagging is used to indicate to moderators that the content instance contains inappropriate content.

Flag Comment

Deleting Comments

Prerequisites: Users require at least one of the following:

  • Users require moderator+ permissions for the module to complete this task.
  • Users require contributor+ permissions for the module and must be the comment creator to complete this task.

For users with appropriate permissions, clicking Delete removes the comment. A dialog message displays to confirm the deletion.

Delete Comment

Replying to Comments

Prerequisites: Users require a Cartella account to complete this task.

Users can reply to comments by clicking Reply. This opens a text field where a user can submit a reply to the comment.

Reply to Comment

Submit Comment Reply